DIY Guitar


Feb 18, 2008
well, its not finished yet but it may turn out nice!

it's my first complete build. i did a body prevoiusly and bought the neck,
turned out OK but it was far from being anything special.

this one also has it's flaws but hey, the learning process is incredible,
i think my next build will be even better!

my uncle is also helping me a lot, he's a carpenter,
he has the tools and he knows how to work with wood.

he's also doing all the routing as the router freaks the shit out of me,
i always imagine the bit (30000rpm) breaking off and ripping my guts out! :lol:

-one piece walnut body
-one piece maple neck
-CNC-cut ziricote fretboard (670mm scale)
-hipshot hardware
-duncan invader
-tru oil finish (not yet applied)

-slightly modified ESP style headstock
-body design (funny story)

i delineated my mayones regius 6 to have a raw form and then i did the rest by hand.
the final shape came while sanding. the funny thing is, it looks really similar to the new
ESP horizon III series, guess that's the "revenge" because i ripped off their headstock design :lol:










teh awezomz!1! with boneralert!
Woud love to do build something like that myself, but I don't have the tools or the place yet :p
You already know what I think ;)


Waiting for recordings, it's probably going to sound awesome!
Really digging it, gonna post mine, too when it's finished.
lol... what guitar? ;)


(very cool!)

thanks :)

I think you fucked up? It's bakwards

lefthand! :D

wow great !
How much time did you spend on this ?

about 35-40 hours so far, i think i'll need another 30-40 to finish it.

I quite hope this is a joke. Left handed guitar.

yeah! :)

Cant wait to see the finish on that body.

i am going for a tru-oil finish, i hope it's as easy to apply as described :D


teh awezomz!1! with boneralert!
Woud love to do build something like that myself, but I don't have the tools or the place yet :p

i wa slucky my uncle is a carpenter, otherwise i couldn't make it.

You already know what I think ;)


Waiting for recordings, it's probably going to sound awesome!
Really digging it, gonna post mine, too when it's finished.

i hope it turns out well, the walnut body and the invader should
make a good cobination!
keep me informed about your build!

want to know prices!!! fantastic job...

i got the wood very very cheap, the expensive stuff was the hardware,
all in all it's about 400€ i guess, i hope it turns out well! :D

Nice. You're gonna donate it to me when it's done right? LEFTY CURSE!

we'll speak about that when it's finished! :D