DIY: I added lights to my desk today.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I like it, but I think I need to get something to soften the beams. Anyone have any ideas? I enclosed a pic of the lense. Whatever material you suggest HAS TO BE FIRE RETARDANT!!!!

These lights get pretty hot.

(there is a glass plate in the center, it's hard to make out in the picture, I'm thinking whatever I get could go behind it or be taped to the front or something)

Anyhow here is how it looks:



If your looking at the monitors going "why are they positioned all fucked up?" It's because I just put everything back on the desk and have not gotten a chance to arrange things like they should.

Now all I have left is to tack up the cable clutter. I have the hardware, it's just such a pain in the ass to think about doing :lol:.
That's a good idea, but I came up with a better idea today.

Sandblast the glass! I'm gonna call up my high school tomorrow and see if they still have it.

Otherwise, you can get cans of a spray that etches the glass (or at least give the effect) - same sort of thing as sandblasting but cheaper and way less hassle. Or you can just attack the inside of the glass with really fine sand-paper.
