DIY Iso Booth


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008
So i've decided to build my own Iso booth to record guitar amplifiers.

Any of you guys know how big should a iso booth be to fit a 4x12 cab, and be able to record it without getting a boxy sound ?
As big as possible, probably 8 foot by 6 foot at least. I would go reverse walls (insulation on the inside). If you send me some dimensions and shizz I could design one for you if you want.

I've got a solid ( I think 1,8 X 2 X 2,2 m - don't remember precisely but "golden proportions" sized) with floating floor and double walls and doors. I'm totally dissapointed of my recordings with it. I'm tired of fighting with comb filtering, standing waves, muddiness and neighbours (lightly driven cabinet = no low mids = no 3D in mix). But I'm really impressed of line amp recording with cabinet impulses. Now, my isobooth is vocalbooth only.