DKFH Superior Help - Multi Outputs?

"Evil" Aidy

Mörti Viventi
Jul 15, 2007
Stamford, Lincs
Is there a way that you can get Drumkit From Hell Superior to work like EzDrummer?

I mean - so that the multiple outputs appear the mixer and project window? For instance EzDrumer shows as EZ1 - EZ8 etc as opposed to just appearing as one MIDI track called "drummer".

I searched but can't find anything out about this!


From there I believe. It's in a matrix form, so one column is one channel.
Thanks for the reply - enabling then different bleed etcoesnt seem to make a difference of what appears in the mixer or project window?

I was thinking there must be a way so that all the tracks are listed e.g KD, SD-T, SD-B, OH, AMB etc are listed as individual outputs.

EzDrummer shows them as EZ1 - EZ9 within the VST instrument folder.

Superior is just showing me Dfh1.

Any ideas?
Yeah I tried that already too!

There doesn't seem to be anywhere to change it to multi-channel? It only seems to be recognised as a stereo instrument.

(I'm using Cubase SX3 by the way)
Been fiddling with this for hours now but still no joy...

It only ever shows in my project as a single stereo track - no multi tracks.:mad:

EDIT: Actually, I think I've just got it working properly!:headbang:

I think it was something to do with clicking the stereo mixdown button in the settings menu and re-opening and closing the different projects to get it to recognise the changes :oops:
i dont know if i understood you right, but Kd, Sd etc. are individually tracks WITHIN the "drummer" track under the Vst instruments track.
I don't know which version you have, but DFHS usually opens the following channels automatically

KD, SD-T, SD-B, RT 1, RT 2, RT 3, FT 1, FT 2, HH, KD-X (all mono)

and OH, AMB (stereo).

Those should appear in your mixer once you load up the drummer VSTi ...
Thanks for all you help everyone!

I've figured it out now.

I had to untick the box in settings that says Stereo Mixdown (or something to that effect) and then reload the Cubase project AND the DKFH Superior plugin before it opened up all the individual tracks like KD, SD-T etc etc.

It now recognises it as a VST multi-channel plugin as opposed to just a 1 channel stereo VST plugin.

Rock on!