Do i need a DI,or is my podx3 just as good?


Jul 23, 2008
Hello there i record my guitar dry so i can reamp with revalver MKIII or soloc.
Is my podx3 good enough in bypass mode or is a DI better?
By the way i record with a old digi 001.
Best regards:kickass:
I use POD XT for this, its absolutely fine. I'd be interested to hear if somebody can backup whether a proper DI would be better however (especially when you're going into a digital processor anyway afterwards).
I was actually planning on doing a little AB test with the pod x3 live
not with a di
but to test how much signal (if any) is lost between recording the di signal of my pod and reamping with gearbox and recording the same tone directly to my computer
maybe I should get on doing that tonight:p

But for what it's worth
the recordings on my band's myspace and on this recording were recorded with the pod DI
and it sounds perfectly fine:)
I just have no idea of what would be the difference. It's all about the quality of the few components of the DI section. I have a Line6 Toneport so I'm directly interested too.
I'm totally done with the Pod

I felt the same way until I heard this guy's mixes...

I use it to reamp all my stuff and I think it does a fine job. Other DIs could be better, but it does a good enough job for me.
So the results were way different than I thought they would be.

I'll let you make your own comparisons... suffice to say, they are quite different.

Countryman Type 85

Line 6 Pod X3 Pass through

*The files are 16bit stereo wavs recorded in pro tools LE 7.4 + Original M-Box.
*I used a Gibson Studio w/ Stock passive Humbuckers, Lead.
*The countryman was getting it's power via the phantom of my M-Box.
*I recorded w/ the Countryman first, then adjusted the volume of the Line 6 to be comparable.

My first impressions.. The Line 6 is brighter, but is missing most of the lows, and some of the mids. The Countryman is less bright, more middy, and all the lows... The wav forms were very similar, but the Line 6 transients looked like it may have been slightly compressed.
The countryman re-amp sounds way better in my opinion... + the Line 6 has the damn noise in the background that I've always noticed when recording with the older Pod Pro.

Over all though, I'd say if you've got the Pod X3 already I'd use it as a DI before dropping the $180 on the Countryman.
but now that I've heard the difference it's always going to bother me knowing how much quality I'm losing through my POD
It just won't be my first priority
but somewhere down the road I'll end up getting a DI box

and on the POD background noise
I've figured out after awhile how to get that noise out of there
but I just threw this tone together in like 2 minutes and didn't put my usual fx chain on the guitar:/
Let me look at my chain
I just have the drive on the head at 50
screamer drive at 10 and gain at 60
gate at 60 and decay at 0
If I'm using active pickups I use reagate if I need to clean up any more unwanted noise
but only some active guitars seem to need it
I also have an eq cut on the pod -4 at 4khz
and then an eq in my fx chain with a -3 cut at 800 and -6 at 4khz and have no idea if that affects the background noise but the noise is gone
I'll post a clip in a minute