Do i need a new pick up??


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
Well first i must say that all my recordings i post, all my comments lead to TO much gain??
and yesterday i learned why??
We pluged into a POD XT Pro and my guitar is balls to the wall on the easiest setting, my buddy plugged his guitar into it, no balls at all?? NONE I had to crank the tube screamer to get any gain out of it
I use a Duncan distortion pickup (i know right? go figure??) he had an active EMG 81
So now im lead to believe my pick up is to hot, i would like some recommendations to put me in a good ball park for something that sounds good but not over driven i guess?? My guitar is a dean hardtail solid body and plays like a champ, any suggestions?? :rock:
hmm i dunno, my duncan distortion is more 'gainy' than my EMG81s, the 81 is clearer and has more punch though. and ive had each in the same guitars before and have been using both 81's and the Duncan distortion for well over 6 years. but +1 for changing the battery on the 81.

the Duncan distortion is a great pup in the right guitar, i love it!! nice and smooth sounding!
Well first i must say that all my recordings i post, all my comments lead to TO much gain??
and yesterday i learned why??
We pluged into a POD XT Pro and my guitar is balls to the wall on the easiest setting, my buddy plugged his guitar into it, no balls at all?? NONE I had to crank the tube screamer to get any gain out of it
I use a Duncan distortion pickup (i know right? go figure??) he had an active EMG 81
So now im lead to believe my pick up is to hot, i would like some recommendations to put me in a good ball park for something that sounds good but not over driven i guess?? My guitar is a dean hardtail solid body and plays like a champ, any suggestions?? :rock:

Sounds like you need an EMG81... do it.
It didnt sound like it needed a new battery, any sorta bad fuzz wouldve told me that,
however it was low as hell and i been jamming with these guys for a while and he never changed his battery lol