Do The Keyboards Get In The Way?

Oct 26, 2002
My first metal CD with 'death/black metal vocals' was Children Of Bodom's HATEBREEDER. It was obviously a jolt. But the thing that was really jarring were the keyboards. They weren't subtle...taking a backseat to the drums, bass, and guitars. They were right there with the songs.

I happen to like keyboards. My name came from two bands...Deep Purple and Rainbow...both with keyboards in their music. And it sounds great. But with this type of extreme metal, I don't know.

Do you think it fits or do you think it's a little intrusive?
Yeah for most ppl they automatically think "whoagh, this band is HARDCORE" when they hear the vocals and fast guitars... but they hear the keyboards and they're like "this is so gay dude wtf". But if you like it it makes the listening experience much improved! Janne's really good at what he does...
Originally posted by bodomite
anyone who hates they keyboards is gay and lying



Anyway, Ive got an idea, to gather the best keyboarders :D the are and let do sth like apocaliptica does. But we must be asured that they wont create some disco polo.