Keyboards in metal

I can't be too objective in this subject since I play keyboards so my answer is obvious. I like the sound of it, the mood that it gives to metal. Just think about bands like CoB, Finntroll, Sonata Arctica, Strato, Amorphis etc...they wouldn't be the same without keyboards.
Keyboards can add the atmosphere that a song needs to go from good to great. The only problem with having a keyboard player in the band is un-neccessary keyboarding on songs. If keys are used when they are needed, they're great. However, if they're over-used they can become quite annoying.
I think it depends on the band and how they are used. I would rather be in jail than listen to much of The Doors, only because the keyboards make me sick.
Then again, think about Angel Dust's "Bleed." Without that keyboard intro the song wouldn't be near as strong. If they are used well, they add to a band that is guitar based, if used poorly, they clutter and soften metal (guitar based) music.
