the proper use of keyboards

It really depends. I get annoyed when bands put useless keyboard in to add some atmosphere.
Thing with bands that know how to use keyboards is the fact that instead of forcing its use into the song, it's more to set mood and atmosphere. Nocturnus for example do some technical stuff with it but it doesn't sound cheesy the way most bands do it.

Most bands fall flat when they force Orchestral hits and Choir Aahs to their music.
what about Norther's first two albums, keyboards were used very well, specially in Dream of Endless War
I think Bodom's use of keyboards is appropriate for what they play. Whether you enjoy what they play or not is a different story, of course, but I hardly think they are out of place in CoB.
Most bands I like with keyboards in them have keyboard players who only play when it suits the song; if that means they'll have to wait three minutes before joining the song, so be it. In many bands it seems that alot of the keyboards are only there so the keyboard player can have something to do.
Other than intros/interludes/outros, I just about never enjoy when keyboards carry the lead melody in a song. About as significant a role as I can handle is in something like ITNE or Xasthur where they have a strong supporting role. I can't stomach bands like Limbonic Art.
Most bands I like with keyboards in them have keyboard players who only play when it suits the song; if that means they'll have to wait three minutes before joining the song, so be it. In many bands it seems that alot of the keyboards are only there so the keyboard player can have something to do.

Yeah, I was thinking about this too. Seems like a more optimal lineup would be a singer who can also play keys or something.
Yeah, I was thinking about this too. Seems like a more optimal lineup would be a singer who can also play key-TAR or something.


keyboards are a touchy subject, i know...

but how should a band best use them? background? melody? do you think they need to be in the entire song to work? or used sparingly for special accent

Keyboards create a perfect Background and if used properly can hold a good melody,for backround they can create the intro ad make it sound powerful.But they can also blend in with the instruments