Keyboards in metal

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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What do you think about having keyboards in a metal song? Like it? hate it?

I personally don't care. As a matter of fact, i like the keyboards. I like it when metal bands use them but sometimes, they make a song sound cheesy, but sometimes it adds atmophere and sophistication to a song. If i had to pick one band that fuses keyboards into metal perfectly, it would have to be Savatage. Savatage uses the keyboard/piano beautifully. I know Savatage hasn't always used keyboards, but it's now a big part of their signature sound, Savatage wouldn't sound like Savatage today without Jon Oliva on them keyboards and piano. They just KNOW how to use it in metal. Besides, i'm a big fan of progressive rock/metal, and if i didn't like keyboards, that just would just be weird!
uhhh keys rule, they add atmosphere and that is needed to make an awsome song. i also like key solos as well. Children of Bodom utilizes that nicely and Dream Theater are also a band that uses them alot. alot of melodic death metal bands use them. Kalmah, Cob, Skyfire, Eternal Tears of Sorrow....Etc. some bands are good without it and some need that addition to enhance there sound.
I like keyboards on a song
I don't like it when they add an atmosphere that doesn't sound right with the song
Well, it depends on what type of metal are we talking about. I like hammond-organs on 70's style hardrock/heavy metal, or some atmospheric synths on the background in some cases. But for the type of metal I mostly listen, I don't think keyboards would fit at all. And the way Children Of Bodom or Sonata Arctica uses them is just fucking terrible!! :puke:
I like keyboards very much as i play keyboards too. But, guys!! If you haven't try yet this band, and you would like to listen to one of the best usage of keyboards, then listen to whatever song from Dismal Euphony album "Autumn Leaves- A Rebellion of Tides". Actually, which ever that is, except the last one that it is damn bad..
Keyboards that are used to make a song have more rich sound is ok.Everyone has used keyboards, for example Candlemass ..their atmosphere was devastating but the keys added to that for sure ...i dont like metal bands to use keyboards as their prior instrument.
In general keyboards work very well, if used tastfuly. I think My Dying Bride did an excelent job with the key boards on their latest album where they are mostly used for atmosphere, but given a few tastful leads as well. In general just don't try and make them sound scary. Oh and I think piano works great as well...
Keyboards are ok, if they are there to back up the other instruments and set the mood, but I cant stand keyboard solos and stuff ala Children of Bodom...
In my ears that is just horrible...
I do quite enjoy bands like Children of Bodom, but I just feel the atmosphere of the music is taken away, and it's tough to take it seriously. I like it when they add background atmosphere though.
If the keyboard´s fitting the songs it´s ok to use a keyboard in metal.

There are great keyboard players around like

- Tuomas Holopainen (Nightwish)
- Janne Warman (Children of Bodom)
- Jens Johanson (Stratovarius)

But keyboards should not make metal songs cheesy.
I used to only be sort of OK with keys in metal. That was before I heard Ayreon and Symphony X.

Now that I've totally fallen into prog music, keys play just as big of a role as the rest of the instruments.
If it's in a "let's make as much noise as possible and dress like wankers while we're at it to look grim and necro" metal band... there's nothing worse. I saw some local bands at a MetalFest that had a keyboardist who (I shit you not) could have passed as a primary school teacher. She had ordinary clothes when the rest of the band was in those stupid costumes, and she was just standing there playing a note every now and then. Totally killed the atmosphere the band was going for, but it made it funny... which is the only reason I enjoyed it.

However, if it's in a progressive or melodic metal band, well-placed keyboards can add a lot to the music.
plattopus said:
If it's in a "let's make as much noise as possible and dress like wankers while we're at it to look grim and necro" metal band... there's nothing worse. I saw some local bands at a MetalFest that had a keyboardist who (I shit you not) could have passed as a primary school teacher. She had ordinary clothes when the rest of the band was in those stupid costumes, and she was just standing there playing a note every now and then. Totally killed the atmosphere the band was going for, but it made it funny... which is the only reason I enjoyed it.

However, if it's in a progressive or melodic metal band, well-placed keyboards can add a lot to the music.
I'm more just paraphrasing what you just said, but the keyboard, like any instrument, is neither good nor bad. It's all in how it's manipulated. It can either add to, or take away from any given musical atmosphere. I think the introduction of the keyboard to metal has been pretty revolutionary. Some fear change, but I'm all for it. Anything that possesses the potential to alter something for the better should never be ignored.
Keyboards fit in some styles of music, and if done well they enchance the music tenfold. In others they are misplaced and idiosyncratic, which is most often the case. As a keyboardist myself, I must say that bands like Faith no More and Type O Negative would have been so much better off without keyboard. I have no problem with keyboard solos if the keyboardist uses good patches.
i dont mind the keyboard solos in bodom but sometimes they take it too far. i cant stand the keys in dream theater. Imo the best is when keys/synth is used in black metal to make a dark atmosphere a great example is Hrite Kvists Dod by satyricon
The only time I find keyboards annoying is when doom bands think they need to use them in order to create atmosphere. There are plenty of doom bands that create a decent atmosphere without them, some bands seem to use them because they are lazy. That's not to say doom bands can't use keyboards, many do it well, but some rely on them too much.

The same can be said of numerous black metal bands, too.

And cheesy keyboards rule, some of Yngwie's best moments are when he's trading solos with his keyboard player :D :headbang: