Do you always use compression on the master bus?


May 9, 2006
The title says it all. Do you always compress your master bus or there are projects you leave it alone?

Its up to you i say it depends on how much compression your using in a track by track basis inside the mix. Say you use a compressor on vocals guitars and maybe cymbals to get that smashed reflective sound. Then most likely don't.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what is WRONG with you people :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hahaha. Shit those pics were hilarious :lol:

Massive amount of cereals just hit my laptop btw. Thanks for that.

On Topic: Always. Just a little though, at max 2-3dB GR or something. Either Slate's FG-X or Waves SSL Mixbus.
AHAHAH only you guys to make me laught after a blown energy transformer fried my monitors. Thanks guy :)

jpchen, VCC? I bought it last week, so I havent tried it that much, but how can you compress with VCC - just 2 to 3db of saturation?

I also use Waves SSL, and the G-SSL on the place I work, but I think it is narrowing my stereo field a little too much, even with little gain reduction, also eating a lot of bass frequencies.
The GSSL on the place I work on has no sidechaining options :( is is possible on the GSSl ? How do ? ehhe
AHAHAH only you guys to make me laught after a blown energy transformer fried my monitors. Thanks guy :)

jpchen, VCC? I bought it last week, so I havent tried it that much, but how can you compress with VCC - just 2 to 3db of saturation?

I also use Waves SSL, and the G-SSL on the place I work, but I think it is narrowing my stereo field a little too much, even with little gain reduction, also eating a lot of bass frequencies.

That's why you need to mix ONTO the compressor and not slapping it afterwards. That way it wont eat any of your bass frequencies nor will it narrow the image, stereo imaging perception is just EQ anyway, so make those decisions with it.

On Topic: Always, sometimes 1-2dB GR, sometimes 4, sometimes 8, really depends, it's always there though
Depends on the music, but with rock and metal I pretty much always mix into a compressor. Sometimes just 1dB GR, sometimes 4dB, rarely more than that. Remember, sidechaining the lows out of the 2bus compressor is your friend.

Some of the more respected AE's from this forum seem to skip the sidechain method. This way you can check easily if anything in the lows is overbearing!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what is WRONG with you people :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hahaha. Shit those pics were hilarious :lol:

Massive amount of cereals just hit my laptop btw. Thanks for that.

On Topic: Always. Just a little though, at max 2-3dB GR or something. Either VCC or Waves SSL Mixbus.

Get a clone. You won't regret it!
I always mix with it, but it seems to eat all the low end punch with even 1db gr. On the other hand, FG-X's compressor work much better for me at this.
That's strange. The ssl is a mixbuscomp though. not a master compressor. it's not as clean as the fg-x comp. I found out that if something is wrong when the ssl is slapped on the 2nd bus it's a problem of the mix. not the comp. as mentioned before you have to mix into it.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what is WRONG with you people :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hahaha. Shit those pics were hilarious :lol:

Massive amount of cereals just hit my laptop btw. Thanks for that.

On Topic: Always. Just a little though, at max 2-3dB GR or something. Either VCC or Waves SSL Mixbus.

VCC is no compressor :) the fun starts when VCC mixbus hits an hardware SSL comp ;)

And since I own an hardware SSL clone, I always use it on the mixbus.
Sometimes real agressiv sometimes smooth, but I use the baby ALWAYS