do you care?

Priest of Evil

Adores the Number 666
Dec 1, 2005
we care alot. Or do we?

Do you care if a band you once loved singer can't hit the notes or sound exactly the same anymore? C'mon lets be honest here, alot of the stuff we like is 80's and I don't expect them to sound exactly the same, do you?
This started off like a Faith No More thread.

Not really. I still want to see the bands and I still want to support them. When King Diamond finally gets off his ass and back on the road, I'm not expecting him to hit Abigail notes. Something like that would never stop me from going to a show.

Now attitude is another thing. When Blackie Lawless was being a bitch a couple of years ago or even Axl's actions or Michael Shenker playing like he was drunk or something. Those kinds of shows I have no desire to see nor do I want to give them my money.
It's kind of a mixed bag for me. On one side it does makes me sad when a once great vocalist can make it anymore as he/she used to do.

On the other side living in the asshole of the world we seldom had the chance to see any acts, therefore I cannot say if the vocalist has lost it or not (remember than in studio you can fix a lot of things).

So going on with the topic probably people had in mind David Coverdale, Rob Halford to mention few examples that had become kind of a hot topic lately in forums. I'm sad because Rob can't hit it as good as he did in 1990 then again I have never seen JP live, so if I had the chance I will not care if he sounds good or not, I'll go!

And following of Psycho footsteps, I agree that if a band had decayed because attitude and can't give a show with heart and mind, I won't waste my money on them either.
If you aren´t Glenn Hughes it´s impossible to hit every single notes but that´s not the question. Dio is near but last tour he´s suffering a little more than usual.

In my opinion, it´s a mix between attitude and good form. I mean, for instance, Don Dokken is a shame. He doesn´t hit a note and, at the same time, he´s smoking and drinking on stage. Be professional. On the opposite, let´s talk about Stephen Pearcy from Ratt. I expect nothing when they played in Spain one year ago but he never was a good singer but he did it quite decent and got a professional attitude, good set list, etc.

Then, we have people like David Coverdale. Since 2004 "whitesnake" reunion I could check the decadence of the guy. It´s so sad but David has to quit.

About Halford, mixed feelings too. He´s much better on tour than ofn festivals here and there. Don´t know why but in Reunited Festival 2004 and Festivals 2008 was a disaster but on "Angel of Retribution" tour 2005 and this year it was far better. If Judas Priest were enough intelligent to erase some difficult song from the set list he´ll do it ever better.
The fact that I have seen Motley Crue religiously since 1987 should answer this one for me... I couldn't get myself to see them for the first time since '87... Sounds like I should have as most that I have talked that saw Vince say that he sounded better than he has in years...All singers eventually lose a step or two. Look at Coverdale he just bailed out on a tour!!! He used to be a fucking fantatsic singer. Would I see Whitesnake? Yes because even if David is half the singer he was he's still a great frontman and puts on a good show.
Look at Coverdale he just bailed out on a tour!!!

Dammit! I got tix to see that show next week. Is JP gonna tack on another band or extend their set or something to compensate?

It pains me to hear Robert Plant singing Zep tunes...
Dio is near but last tour he´s suffering a little more than usual.

Yeah, but dude, c'mon, he's almost 70 for crying out loud! I sure wish I sound that good when I'm in my mid 60s.

About Halford, mixed feelings too. He´s much better on tour than ofn festivals here and there. Don´t know why but in Reunited Festival 2004 and Festivals 2008 was a disaster but on "Angel of Retribution" tour 2005 and this year it was far better. If Judas Priest were enough intelligent to erase some difficult song from the set list he´ll do it ever better.

I've heard recent bootlegs where Halford was on his A-Game and others where he struggled all night. The guy's over 50, cut him some slack. Priest isn't going to be with us forever and I'd rather see them on an off-night than never again.

Expecting a singer to sound great all the time is a fallacy. There are too many factors that determine what kind of night you'll have. Monitors, sleep, having a cold, acoustics on the venue, etc. etc.

Having your voice sound great night after night on tour is the result of luck and fantastic genetics. :)
I do not expect singers that have been around for as long as Dio, Halford, Coverdale, etc. to sing like they used to in ther twenties, but I do expect them to sing well and on key. Sloppy/lazy singing or just plain speaking the lyrics will not do.
Being able to hit high notes was never my idea of a great singer. I mean, Halford sounds way better when he's singing mid-range than when he's high-pitched.
When I see a band live from the 80s...I really do expect them to sound like they did...It sucks when they don't but whatever.

Bruce Dickinson still sounds great but you can tell he struggles. I wonder what Geoff Tate sounds like these days.
Look at metallica,They've spiraled downward and everyone is being very critical of them.Eventually something was going to happen.
If the singer isn't singing on key, I'm done. I don't care how much I used to love a band, I'm not gonna see them live if the vocalist can no longer sing on key.

People like Dio and Hetfield have taken matters into their own hands and started tuning down live. Thus, they still sing the song the same way, just in a lower key to accommodate their voice. This is always preferable to still playing the songs in the same key and not being able to hit any of the notes. Most people can't even tell the difference.
This is a good question. Since heavy metal singing is a very tough I expect a singer to have lost something over time, I'm fine with that. It doesn't bother me at all when Halford or Dio change a melody line slightly to accommodate the slight change in their range. I would rather have them do that then sing out of key or blow their voice out. What does bother me though is someone like Ozzy who would go out..sing horribly out of key, blow his voice out and then cancel every other show.
its not my favorite thing to happen to band...ill admit.

but, it happens and is only controllable to a certain extent. as long as it still sounds good and they haven't lost everything else...the range i can deal with as it is naturally going to decrease.
If you aren´t Glenn Hughes it´s impossible to hit every single notes but that´s not the question. Dio is near but last tour he´s suffering a little more than usual.

In my opinion, it´s a mix between attitude and good form. I mean, for instance, Don Dokken is a shame. He doesn´t hit a note and, at the same time, he´s smoking and drinking on stage. Be professional. On the opposite, let´s talk about Stephen Pearcy from Ratt. I expect nothing when they played in Spain one year ago but he never was a good singer but he did it quite decent and got a professional attitude, good set list, etc.

Then, we have people like David Coverdale. Since 2004 "whitesnake" reunion I could check the decadence of the guy. It´s so sad but David has to quit.

About Halford, mixed feelings too. He´s much better on tour than ofn festivals here and there. Don´t know why but in Reunited Festival 2004 and Festivals 2008 was a disaster but on "Angel of Retribution" tour 2005 and this year it was far better. If Judas Priest were enough intelligent to erase some difficult song from the set list he´ll do it ever better.

Did you see RATT at the Atarfe Vega Rock show? We played that one on the same day as them. I had a great time, and we wound up hanging out with them at the airport the next day on our way home. Cool guys. Warren DiMartini is really quiet, and humble.

Did you see RATT at the Atarfe Vega Rock show? We played that one on the same day as them. I had a great time, and we wound up hanging out with them at the airport the next day on our way home. Cool guys. Warren DiMartini is really quiet, and humble.


Yeah!!! I was there mainly to see RATT and EXCITER. I saw you in Belgium 2001 but I needed more :rock:. Never had the chance of seeing RATT before.

Both great shows. A pity the sound was awful in that Festival.
It depends how badly they've lost it... I care when I see Priest nowadays because Halford really sucks now, sadly... but with Maiden I cut Bruce a bit of slack because while he may have lost the richness of tone he once had on the higher notes, he still reaches them, so it isn't so bad...