Do you care about the rep point things?

Rock Hydra said:
What is the point of it anyway? This forum is practically a spam forum, it's useless here.
Correctamundo. I think it's just to stroke people's egos. Like some nerdo popularity contest. I mean, I agree there should be a green square or a red square, to seperate the assholes from the lesser assholes :D but other than that, what's the point for additional boxes? Besides, you'd need to canvas more than one forum to get 100-200 I'm assuming.
Heartless_Name said:
Correctamundo. I think it's just to stroke people's egos. Like some nerdo popularity contest. I mean, I agree there should be a green square or a red square, to seperate the assholes from the lesser assholes :D but other than that, what's the point for additional boxes? Besides, you'd need to canvas more than one forum to get 100-200 I'm assuming.

and there's gotta be one for a "taint" too....cause nobody wants to be a taint, now...
rep is for n00bs; only n00bs care about rep.

everyone else who has been posting for awhile should know who is quality and who is trash.

me, i make quality from recycling the trash
stormy said:
haha well i like rep becase its Kinda fun but i dont obses over it :Spin:

Looks at stormy's rep...OMGHAX!!!

Anyway...what I'd prefer is RSS feeds to tell you when there's a reply to a thread that you're watching. I'd find that more useful.