Do You Fear Death?

Do You Fear Death?

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Thor's Hammer
Jul 18, 2006
Who Cares? NC
I have been thinking about a lot of things recently, such as the nature of existence and the prospect of an afterlife, but I haven't really found anything that satisfies my curiosity, however I don't really expect to find anything though... Anyway, what this boils down to is death. I'm not sure whether to fear it, or to embrace. I'm not sure whether it really matters or not. I hate it when I try to talk this over with most people because they try to shove religion down my throat. In a way, I feel that religion was born out of the fear of death. It always makes us feel so much better when we think that there is an omniscient, all powerful being floating up above to give us eternal happiness for being a good person. I'm really just lost in existence, so this thread is also asking for help.

I don't believe in God. For me that works just fine. I don't fear death, because after death it is only what I leave behind that matters.
Not sure to be honest, if someone holds a gun at your head I'm sure everyone's afraid of his death it depends on the situation.
I think no one likes to be killed slowly or like mentioned in Fear when someone threats you.
The other kind of Dying is when it ends fast or very 'Soft'
I think that's what most people don't make afraid of the death..
I don't fear death since it comes to us all some day. But people who believe in the afterlife are an odd conundrum, since their desire for life after death shows they are afraid of the final curtain - while at the same time if they are so sure it isn't the final curtain they don't need to be afraid. That's it though isn't it - they have to make up this comforting illusion because they really do fear death.
I have been thinking about a lot of things recently, such as the nature of existence and the prospect of an afterlife, but I haven't really found anything that satisfies my curiosity, however I don't really expect to find anything though... Anyway, what this boils down to is death. I'm not sure whether to fear it, or to embrace. I'm not sure whether it really matters or not. I hate it when I try to talk this over with most people because they try to shove religion down my throat. In a way, I feel that religion was born out of the fear of death. It always makes us feel so much better when we think that there is an omniscient, all powerful being floating up above to give us eternal happiness for being a good person. I'm really just lost in existence, so this thread is also asking for help.


welcome to the human condition
The only people I can understand having no fear of death at all are people who are terminally ill or really old or extremely suicidal. I'm in the prime of my life, of course I fear death.
No, I don't fear being dead. I'm afraid of the process of dying, and all the opportunitys I leave behind. Will it be painfull. My friends and relatives, the people I leave behind.

Being dead I'm not afraid of.
I´m not afraid of dying. I´m afraid of losing my ability to live to the full, for instance breaking my back, so I´m immobilized or going deaf so I can´t listen to the music I love.
I´ve had to think about these things quite a bit the last year. Just got back from the war in Afghanistan, and I experienced colleagues getting killed and wounded. Of course I felt sorry for those who died and their relatives, but whenever someone stepped on a mine or got hit by an IED, was when I got to thinking about things. Because these guys will have to live on with serious injuries and/or amputated limbs, not to mention the psychological impact.

Hmm... I might try to elaborate on this later.
If somebody lunges at me with a knife, will I be scared? Hell yes. If someone puts a gun to my head will I be scared? I bet. Am I scared of death? No. Pain, yes. But if somebody told me they poisoned my food, I wouldn't be scared. Death is the end of pain. The sooner the better tbh.
I´m not afraid of dying. I´m afraid of losing my ability to live to the full, for instance breaking my back, so I´m immobilized or going deaf so I can´t listen to the music I love.
I´ve had to think about these things quite a bit the last year. Just got back from the war in Afghanistan, and I experienced colleagues getting killed and wounded. Of course I felt sorry for those who died and their relatives, but whenever someone stepped on a mine or got hit by an IED, was when I got to thinking about things. Because these guys will have to live on with serious injuries and/or amputated limbs, not to mention the psychological impact.

Hmm... I might try to elaborate on this later.
although i think that maybe the others might not have understood you, i actually agree with you, if i have to choose between being dead and being horrendously wounded, (where the "quality of life" is diminished) then i would choose death
although i think that maybe the others might not have understood you, i actually agree with you, if i have to choose between being dead and being horrendously wounded, (where the "quality of life" is diminished) then i would choose death

Well, it´s not so much about the choice. If you die, everything ends, and there is nothing to worry about.
It´s the prospect of a "diminished quality of life" that frightens me.
Well, it´s not so much about the choice. If you die, everything ends, and there is nothing to worry about.
It´s the prospect of a "diminished quality of life" that frightens me.

Yes, it can't be easy to handle both a life in a wheelchair and a mind that won't stop thinking about the experience from the war.

Fisse -> Fitte ?:)