Do You Fear Death?

Do You Fear Death?

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I don't think about death much. Since I don't know what happens, I find it all a waste of time to worry about. It happens, and that's all I need to know. If anything, it encourages me to enjoy life even more since it's like an hourglass, and each grain of sand is precious. We'll all figure it out soon enough...
I am rather obsessed with it, in fact, and I have been for years. Only a few years ago I used to believe in "god", because I desperately wanted there to be an afterlife. I eventually realized that I was merely deluding myself and gave up on religion.
Since then, nothing's really changed for the better or the worse. I am still afraid of death, and quite ridiculously so; to the point where I'll just randomly panic and start screaming at any time. I've never seen anyone else randomly panic and start screaming, so I assume I am a fairly extreme case.
There should be no fear. We are born and we die. 2 aspects that will never change. So, why have fear. It's more a fear of how we will die,not death itself. In my life, at times I welcome death. This existance, or life is wrought with pain. To think, that "death , not ends it" is premature. We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow,let alone when we die. It's all speculation, on our parts. You will believe, what you believe. Your alive and breathing, able-bodied, isn't that enough? Make each day count, fuck, make each moment count. Focus on living, we are all "shorter of breath, and one day closer to death."
walking, talking deadmen, live it while its here.

I wrote thia, regarding death and life and have already recited it at one of my comrades funerals

I Bow Before You

Another brother has passed beyond
dreams wrought Iron gait
No longer bound to worldly things
need not yield … “wait”

Today a fallen soldier
no longer needs to fight
Wield his sword, need not no more
for what he believes is right

I bow before you on this day
all fathers wayward sons
For carry on, it is you must
till your days too are done

Look far and wide this solemn day
take its presence in
Breathe deeply then just hold it
for a moment … remembering when …

Senses dulled … denial walls
now thirst for glimpse of light
Drink deeply from this cup of tea
we’ve dearly titled “life”

I offer this to you my friend’s
for what it might be worth
The time is short and bitter sweet
we trod upon this earth
I'm not afraid of death. I have already had the experience of apparent death in the past and after that I got more than sure that my personality exists apart from this body.
being not afraid of anything helps live fullblown life. any kinds of fear take away our time here and so I chose the way without any doubts and remorse.
13 people are so full of shit...
anyone with no fear of death is not functioning in a biologically sound fashion, imho.
13 people are so full of shit...
anyone with no fear of death is not functioning in a biologically sound fashion, imho.

agreed. i guarantee that if a gun was put up against their head, most if not all of the people who voted No would be scared shitless. maybe they aren't scared of death NOW... but eventually the fear will creep in.
13 people are so full of shit...
anyone with no fear of death is not functioning in a biologically sound fashion, imho.

I'd be quite suprised to find out that I am functioning in a biologically sound fashion.

agreed. i guarantee that if a gun was put up against their head, most if not all of the people who voted No would be scared shitless. maybe they aren't scared of death NOW... but eventually the fear will creep in.

Fear of pain is different from fear of death. Put a gun to my head and I'll be like "HOLY SHIT! DON'T SHOOT, BRAH!" but I wouldn't be thinking "Oh noes, I'm going to die, what a shame." Not liking life in the first place, death doesn't frighten me at all.
I'd be quite suprised to find out that I am functioning in a biologically sound fashion.

Fear of pain is different from fear of death. Put a gun to my head and I'll be like "HOLY SHIT! DON'T SHOOT, BRAH!" but I wouldn't be thinking "Oh noes, I'm going to die, what a shame." Not liking life in the first place, death doesn't frighten me at all.

wrong. if you get your head blown off you won't feel any pain. you will be scared because you are programmed by nature to be afraid of death whether you like life or not.
So, according to you Thoth-Amon, nature has ingrained in humans an inherent fear of death. I would agree, but I think, life experience, attitude and social structure would have an impact on one's death perception. That's a generalization, I know. I don't feel the need to elaborate on my experience, for an expectation of this descending into a pointless squabble. We all will move on at some point. And our bodies now, will seem like an old over worn coat, when we attain the spiritual form. "See you in the next world, and don't be late."--Jimi Hendrix.
survival instincts still does not mean fear of death. Gun to the head is fear of the idea of ones brains splatter all over, does the man that would try to duck and block the arm of said pointer of gun represent a man fearing death ? Does the sky diver, downhill skier, race car driver, soldier, fear death or challenge it ? To me fearing death is the kind of person thats afraid to leave the house, or becomes hopelessly ill but still does everything allowed by their insurance company to "stay alive".
I'm a nihilistic atheist, so I could care less about a theory on how the world was made, and if some fairy tale being created it. I only care about enjoying my life for as long as I can; and if it happens to end abruptly, it's not my choice, and if there is a place I go afterward (which I bet is nonexistant), OK then. I don't care.
Does the sky diver, downhill skier, race car driver, soldier, fear death or challenge it ? To me fearing death is the kind of person thats afraid to leave the house, or becomes hopelessly ill but still does everything allowed by their insurance company to "stay alive".

Fear doesn't necessarily mean over the top, gibbering mess type fear, and nor is it necessarily indicated by actions. I pursue a couple of hobbies that force me to confront my mortality pretty frequently - I have plenty of fear about it, but the pursuit of them, the action in spite of fear, is something I deem worthwhile.
Most recently I have been fascinated by the miracle of death; the ultimate end to being. A truly inconceivable phenomena.

I do not fear death but we are all ultimately resigned to death. Fear of the inevitable?
agreed. i guarantee that if a gun was put up against their head, most if not all of the people who voted No would be scared shitless. maybe they aren't scared of death NOW... but eventually the fear will creep in.

Well, I´ve never had a gun to my head, but I do know that when in Afganistan RPG´s or small arms fire would hit nearby, my first thoughts would be about my mobility, that is, I found out that I was afraid of the prospect of a fragment hitting me in the back, thus immobilizing me, or in the stomach, taking out vital organs, etc. It was only later that I would reflect on the possibility of me dying at those occations.
So yes, I WAS afraid of the pain BEFORE death but, as I found out in those instances, not of death itself.