Do you get starstruck?

Alright, I'll be the only one to tell the truth here :loco: -- I get starstruck!

I would never be like 'oh my god, you are my hero, I worship you,' but one time we were eating in a restaurant and John Lithgow came in for dinner and I kept trying to peek at him and I was giggling to myself thinking, 'ooh, look John Lithgow is eating a samosa tee hee hee.'

I guess it's because famous people become more like characters than like real people with real lives. It actually kind of ruins it when you find out too much about them as regular people.
Marksveld said:
This reminds me of 9/10 people who post on the Nevermore forum... just thought I'd throw that out there...

Yeah, well it's the only thing that's ever happened to me that I gloat about. So that'll be all. I promise :p ... and it's not even something to be proud of.
Nooo! You gloat with justification as the rest of us do... I meant to say that "people who revere people like that as godlike" are the fools!
Oh, and this would be the neverboarders... they like backing things up with photographic evidence.

Getting a little starstruck isn't really a bad thing. Is it really wrong to get excited when you meet someone who wrote/played the music that you've been listening to daily for years? I think not...
I don't really get starstruck, but I'm certainly impressed with and respectful of the musicians I meet. Most of them, if not all, are generally cool, down-to-earth guys. I've hung out with Heathen a lot, and they're all awesome and fun to talk to, and put up with me and my friends being annoying shits.

I was starstruck when I met Kirk Hammett when I was 13. Oh, and I guess I was struck dumb when I met Exodus, but that's because I'd already had two bigass White Russians and was starting on a Captain & Orange.
My level of being starstruck is on the Iron Maiden level I guess, cause I've met and talked to so many bands by now. Meeting and shaking Bruce Dickinsons hand in 2001 is the biggest metal celebrity moment of my life. I talk to Stanne and Sundin a lot over icq so they don't count.
james hetfield came into tower today while i was working...he bought a p.o.d. album :ill: ...i said hi to him but i lost my respect for those guys after st. anger came out.

i met gene hoglan at a syl show a couple weeks ago, i wasn't starstruck...i just kinda turned around and saw him at the edge of the crowd, went up and shook his hand. pretty sav.
I've met basically all my black metal "idols", and I handeled it pretty well every time. Never met any of the really big ones (Hetfield, Dickinson, etc), though, but I can't possibly envision myself getting starstruck.