do you guys feel bad about not working?


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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se I'm not even getting paid, it's an internship, and still I feel a little guilty for just hanging out and chit chating on inter message boards while everyone around me struggles to meet deadlines.

will this pass?

when do I start not caring?

plus there was creepy IT guy in here today and started trying to talk to me.

started making all these computer related jokes about Cobalt or something...and this old funny thing he and his IT buddies do..calling Users..LOSERS! snarf...

he had on really short cut jeans, white socks and funny brown loafers.

and he was talking about seeing Dokken with Whitesnake and the Scorpions.
no, I do a ton of work. you just can't see me.

For a long time I thought I didn't do any work, but when I was out sick for a month the place fell apart. So I guess I do a good job just by sitting here.
I've actually done quite a bit of work recently, but yeah, sometimes I feel guity. Especially since other folk here get laid off. The reality is, I think, is that everyone fucks around at work, just in different ways.

Without msg boards, I doubt I'd stay sane in the workplace.
so far this morning i have:

1. met with a client, reviewed his credit report, and started filing his bankruptcy petition
2. distributed a will to the executor of a dead client and explained the probate process to him
3. talked to a man who is dying about guardianship for his two teenager kids, one of whom is deaf.
4. researched and wrote a will for a guy who wants to leave his niece money, but only if she uses it for college.
at my last job, i did feel extremely guilty. most of what i did the last 6 months there was avoid work, post, and look for another job online. however, here, i actually work a lot, so i fell less guilty. i've been posting more recently, but i need to cut back some. it's just so darn addictive...