do you know Hungary?


A Halál Árnyéka
Jan 12, 2002
Budapest , Hungary
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Do you know where Hungary is? Sadly, we are in a bad position, cause Opeth never comes here. Other bands either. Are there anyone from Hungary? Do you know Fagyhalál? That's an amazing band from Hungary!!! Two guitars, a cello, drums and vocals! It's more like Opeth, but it's quite unique! Man, you have to hear them!! Remember the name: Fagyhalál!!!!!

Kötöny hails from Hungary, from the gate of Carpathia!
Budapest was cool but I couldn't get around the city on English alone. German seemed to be the prevailing language... in 98 at least.
I know where Hungary is, but never been there. I'll be surprised if many Americans know where Hungary is, they have trouble with geography if it isn't their country (NOTHING PERSONAL!).
Originally posted by rustymetal
I'll be surprised if many Americans know where Hungary is, they have trouble with geography if it isn't their country (NOTHING PERSONAL!).
This is so unnecessary. And don't bother adding "nothing personal" after an insult.
Originally posted by rustymetal
I know where Hungary is, but never been there. I'll be surprised if many Americans know where Hungary is, they have trouble with geography if it isn't their country (NOTHING PERSONAL!).
We're going to end up with a bunch of Yankee-doodle Terrorists on our hands if all this yank-bashing doesn't let up.:eek:

Without Face is an excellent band from Hungary, I think it was Lee_B that brought them to light.
Originally posted by Lina
This is so unnecessary. And don't bother adding "nothing personal" after an insult.

ok, so explain me that :)
i still don't know how i have to consider that screenshot from CNN ... if i have to cry or to laugh


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The reason that was a stupid comment to make is because there was no point in airing such an ignorant cliche, unprovoked. Everyone loves to jump on the American-bashing bandwagon, and it just gets tiring. I've traveled all over the world, and I've come across plenty of backward, uneducated idiots, but I would never make generalizations of an entire population based on these negative encounters. I don't like the type of American he's referring to either, but I'm awake enough to realize that the vast majority of Americans on this board are not that type of person. While his comment may have given you a few kicks, it was extremely immature, rude and, like I said, unnecessary.
Yes, of course i did. Does it prove that all Americans are bad at geography? No. Does it justify rustymetal's comments? No.

I find that CNN screen appalling too, but FYI, the visuals for CNN are put together by kids, basically -- unpaid interns who I'm sure put no effort into it, so the captions and visuals often contain errors. (I deal with these people for my job as a political editor.) Yes, it's good for a laugh, but I'm sure you wouldn't base your impression of 280 million people on one mislabeled graphic.
Maybe it was unprovoked, and I apologise, but it is true. My dad has quite a few American friends and even they admit that the majority of Americans are bad at geography outside of their own country.