Do mainstream artists know of underground artists?


Sep 7, 2001
Do any of you have any insite to this; I was just thinking, and I was wondering what you all think. I wonder if mainstream artists know of bands that are not mainstream bands like Opeth, In The Woods, etc. etc. And if a group such as, let's say Limp Bizkit, POD, or whoever, knows of them or has heard them, would that mainstream artist think that they were more talented? Would they be envyous other than the fact they have a shit load more money? Do mainstream artists take ideas from more talented underground musicians? I don't know, I was just wondering if mainstream and underground artists have any type of relationship.
I think most do. For example: Slipknot said for their next album something to the effect of "Expect blastbeats, grindcore, and black metal sickness...". So if shit like slipknot knows about grindcore and black metal, I guess the answer to your question is yes.
i've wondered this at times too. for instance, travis meeks of days of the new reminds me of mikael in that they're both immensely talented and obviously driven by the music in their heads. i think travis would very much like and respect opeth, since travis enjoys experimenting and breaking the mold. but on the other hand, he probably thinks that he's superior to bands with death vocals -- which isn't much of a stretch since he's probably only been exposed to the losers in corpsepaint carrying swords. but i wish all the musicians i respect could get together and swap ideas.
if they did, wouldn't they ask some of the bands to support them on their tour?, no hang on they wouldn't as they know the smaller band will show em up:grin: (not that bands would wanna support shit like Limp Bizkit or Shitknot.
...If nu-rock bands new of (semi-)underground bands such as opeth, or death, or nevermore... do you honestly think that the nu-rock bands would be making such utter shit music...?

No! Of course not.!
I think nu-metal bands are like the people who listen to it.

Me: Hey Slipknot guy, listen to this
Slipknot guy: What's with all the growling, and this isn't heavy enough (redneck accent) (I don't think they'd like parts of music that weren't constant screaming "fuck you" or hitting the drums 10 times a second throughout the whole song)
Me: Stop wasting your time coordinating wrestling moves and what mask you're going to wear and learn to play some music.
Slipknot guy: I make more money than Opeth!
Me: By that reasoning Britney Spears is more talented than you

I don't think they gave real metal a chance, and/or they are too fucking stupid and/or untalented to make real music, I mean how hard is it to repeat your old successes and have pathetically shallow lyrics, repetitive guitar chords, and overly-fast drumming.

I don't know if any of you non-Americans get the TVguide channel, but we have a channel here called the TVguide channel, it's basically a channel line-up that scrolls across telling you what's on for now and the next hour. The TV lineup is on the bottom and they have various popculture crap and movie stuff in the top half. They were interviewing "Saliva" (One of the new rapmetal bands) And the vocalist and some other guy were being interviewed, the other guy didn't say anything he just sat there looking stupid, the vocalist is some dipshit from Arkansas I think, they are asking him "How did you come up with the name Saliva?" "Uhh.. we were all on tour ya know and we were about to form our band (don't ask me how they were on tour if the band wasn't formed yet) and I said, ok guys I've got a really cool-sounding name, SALIVA!, don't let anyone steal it ok? And then he was saying "We have very emotional music, but at the same time it's heavy as hell!" Then it shows them playing live (he claimed this was an intense show) And they are playing and then the vocalist says "CLICK, CLICK, BOOM!" Does that sound emotional to anyone here?!?! Not to mention the music was that mediocore newmetal shit that every newmetal band plays like.
Originally posted by Oyo
I think nu-metal bands are like the people who listen to it.

Me: Hey Slipknot guy, listen to this
Slipknot guy: What's with all the growling, and this isn't heavy enough (redneck accent) (I don't think they'd like parts of music that weren't constant screaming "fuck you" or hitting the drums 10 times a second throughout the whole song)
Me: Stop wasting your time coordinating wrestling moves and what mask you're going to wear and learn to play some music.
Slipknot guy: I make more money than Opeth!
Me: By that reasoning Britney Spears is more talented than you

I don't think they gave real metal a chance, and/or they are too fucking stupid and/or untalented to make real music, I mean how hard is it to repeat your old successes and have pathetically shallow lyrics, repetitive guitar chords, and overly-fast drumming.

I don't know if any of you non-Americans get the TVguide channel, but we have a channel here called the TVguide channel, it's basically a channel line-up that scrolls across telling you what's on for now and the next hour. The TV lineup is on the bottom and they have various popculture crap and movie stuff in the top half. They were interviewing "Saliva" (One of the new rapmetal bands) And the vocalist and some other guy were being interviewed, the other guy didn't say anything he just sat there looking stupid, the vocalist is some dipshit from Arkansas I think, they are asking him "How did you come up with the name Saliva?" "Uhh.. we were all on tour ya know and we were about to form our band (don't ask me how they were on tour if the band wasn't formed yet) and I said, ok guys I've got a really cool-sounding name, SALIVA!, don't let anyone steal it ok? And then he was saying "We have very emotional music, but at the same time it's heavy as hell!" Then it shows them playing live (he claimed this was an intense show) And they are playing and then the vocalist says "CLICK, CLICK, BOOM!" Does that sound emotional to anyone here?!?! Not to mention the music was that mediocore newmetal shit that every newmetal band plays like.

I agree with you, I am just too lazy to type a lot today.
yeah, this is something i've always wondered about.....does tool know about Opeth? they should....does Yngwie Malmsteen know about Children of Bodom? he should....does Dream Theater know about Nevermore? they should....the list goes on and on.....
One thing I would like to point out for any of you who have trouble explaining death vocals is that, unlike mainstream music where the vocals are the core of the music, death vocals are supplementary to the music. In other words, they aren't the focus of the music, they are an ingrediant. I don't want to get off on a rant here, but hating death vocals because they are different is the same thing as hating death metal drummers because of blastbeats and the guitarists because of distortion. Also these shit music fans speak purely out of ignorance and inexperiance. They say things like "slipknot has the best drummer", but when have they every really listened to Hellhammer from Mayhem, Flo from Cryptopsy, or Trym from Emperor? They think their guitarists are the best but they have not heard Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Joe Satriani, Randy Rhoads, Yngwie Malmsteen, or Buckethead. Also they speak out of materialism. They think the lyrics to their music are great because a) they couldn't do any better at writing them and b) they cannot understand the poetic value of ours. And another thing: I'd rather paint my face and dress up like a Viking anyday over dressing up like a fucking clown and acting like I have Down's Syndrome.
I read an interview with Ihsahn from Emperor where he said that Rob Halford called him to say he was a fan and has been since "..Nightside Eclipse", so I guess it's fair to say that he has his finger on the pulse.

I still can't understand the Slipknot bashing. It seems to be based entirely on popularity rather than musically. Most of the band come from a death metal background and it shows in the music. How they've become so popular playing such heavy music is beyond me, but I don't think they should be personally blamed for their mainstream, mostly metal ignorant, audience.
Originally posted by Lee_B
I still can't understand the Slipknot bashing. It seems to be based entirely on popularity rather than musically. Most of the band come from a death metal background and it shows in the music. How they've become so popular playing such heavy music is beyond me, but I don't think they should be personally blamed for their mainstream, mostly metal ignorant, audience.
personally, i hate them for all the posing they do. generally, the more shit you wear and the more *evil* you try to act, the crappier your music is. this goes for all metal bands that do this, not just one end of the spectrum.
Originally posted by Lina
personally, i hate them for all the posing they do. generally, the more shit you wear and the more *evil* you try to act, the crappier your music is. this goes for all metal bands that do this, not just one end of the spectrum.

I think it is quite obvious when a band's main priority is image. Ask yourself this simple question, would Slipknot (among others) really have as many fans as they do if they did not dress as they do? The answer I see, of course not.