Do You Get Anxious Waiting For The Next Album?

Originally posted by Opet
Sometimes people see so many others being happy and want to be the one that chimes in differently and says "no, stop being happy!" and disagrees. Possibly make you sound foolish for being so happy. (which I think is rather silly, but to each his own) Maybe that's all that was. ;) The name of thread was "Do you get anxious waiting for the next album?" Now, anyone can see this thread has the potential of praise and gushing with anticipation. If you don't have it, why would you comment...BUT HEY! This is a discussion board. Shall we?

You said it yourself... 'Do you get anxious waiting for the next album?" Claire's Horror said she doesn't, and you people think she's attacking Opeth!?!? She only answered the question.

:lol: Opeth fans.... god bless ye!
I see no problem in how Claire's Horror answered the question - it's his opinion on the question I asked.

And to Brooks - just another of the many comments which shows you haven't read enough of our posts. No matter what we say about Opeth, I speak for most here in that we listen to A LOT of different music. What's so bad about having a favorite band? Because of that, you are to assume it's the only thing we listen to?

Requiem - :lol: right back at you

But on a broader scale - I do agree with Lina in that I don't see the purpose of coming to ANY board to flame that which the board is created. A particular forum is created for enthusiasts of what the board is for - therefore, I THINK the Opeth forum was created for those who like Opeth - not for those who get a kick out of coming to the Opeth forum and thinking it's funny how Opeth fans can be so defenseive, elitist, or whatever name they slap on us. And why waste your time coming here to say how much you DON'T like Opeth, or say how you think they suck?

So again - I guess to those people who come here to make fun of us or anything Opeth - you win, because I , like many others, have wasted the time to respond to you. Maybe that's what you want - to boil some blood - and that's how you get your jollies. Well - this IS the internet, and you have that right. Have fun.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
What's so bad about having a favorite band? Because of that, you are to assume it's the only thing we listen to?

Requiem - :lol: right back at you

No one's assuming anything about you. But don't fall into the trap of assuming that because someone makes a fairly arbitrary comment that they are attacking Opeth!

Damn, I love Opeth. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. But I think it's important that everyone's aloud their say, even if it doesn't agree with the general mode of thought.

There's only one reason why Opeth fans get the 'elitist' or 'superior' tag.... It's because a small few Opeth fans are biased to an extreme. That's not a bad thing; after all, it's only a band, but you have to remember that people who don't particularly love Opeth that much don't need to be chastised for not crapping their pants about a new release.

Personally, to answer the thread topic, I am quite nervous and excited about the up and coming releases. I'm especially curious to hear how the mellow album comes out!
Originally posted by requiem
No one's assuming anything about you. But don't fall into the trap of assuming that because someone makes a fairly arbitrary comment that they are attacking Opeth!
THe intentions of Claire's Horror are obvious if youve read the other comments by him, Trapped is the same. They both enjoy pointing out that opeth arent the best band in the world and trying to get us all to stop being so 'closeminded' with music. Ive argued before, and i and everyone here knows they are wrong with their assumptions and so i dont care, they have no effect except stirring up a few arguments, and thats always fun. :) For some reason we are allowed to like opeth but not love them simply because they dont... yep and we're the close minded ones. yeh.

I only think about the new opeth CD whenever its really mentioned on this board in detail, which isnt so often. Ill get excited when theres about a month to go, when its been recorded and ive read Mikaels comments on the finished product.
This Opeth release is going to be the first one for me that I can witness. BWP was already out when I got into them. So of course I'm exicted..why wounld'nt I be. I don't have a problem saying Opeth is my favourite band. And I don't have a problem showing it either. OPETH! OPETH! OPETH! OPETH! OPETH! OPETH! OPETH! OPETH!
The reason people tend to anticapate and talk highly so much is probably because thats how much they mean to them IMO. This IS the Opeth forum ya know
Originally posted by Brooks
By presenting the fact that Opeth isn't God in music, and the greatest band in the history of astral time and space, and Mikael isn't the messiah and will save us all from eternal damnation..... thats slamming?

You Opeth worshippers should take a deep breath and look around. Theres lots of good music out there, Opeth isn't the greatest band ever.
I knew some newbie would make a comment like this. No, this one little post isn't slamming. It's the fact that Claire's Horror (who used to post under the name Leper Affinity and ran an Opeth board-member picture page, but who got bored with it and ran away) has seemingly never posted anything positive about Opeth, takes every little itty bitty opportunity to say they aren't very good, and yet continues to lurk. I'm just asking why.

Originally posted by requiem
You said it yourself... 'Do you get anxious waiting for the next album?" Claire's Horror said she doesn't, and you people think she's attacking Opeth!?!? She only answered the question.

:lol: Opeth fans.... god bless ye!
Read above. You've been here too long to not have noticed. And it's a he, not a she. He's even posted pictures. :p
I just hope desperately that I'm not stricken deaf before I get to hear them. I probably will get in a car crash on the way home from the music store and a few glass shards will go into my ears and that'll be that.

Yeah, I am most definitely anticipating the new release from Opeth. Looking forward to hearing some new stuff!

While BWP isn't the album that has got me into Opeth (that was Morningrise, their best album IMO), I still am rather new to the band and have not had the experience of looking forward to an upcoming release. Very unfortunate of me, actually...I mean, these guys create some amazing music. It is amongst the best I have ever heard....I embrace anything depicting dark imagery of any sort.
Originally posted by metalmancpa

But on a broader scale - I do agree with Lina in that I don't see the purpose of coming to ANY board to flame that which the board is created. A particular forum is created for enthusiasts of what the board is for - therefore, I THINK the Opeth forum was created for those who like Opeth - not for those who get a kick out of coming to the Opeth forum and thinking it's funny how Opeth fans can be so defenseive, elitist, or whatever name they slap on us. And why waste your time coming here to say how much you DON'T like Opeth, or say how you think they suck?

So again - I guess to those people who come here to make fun of us or anything Opeth - you win, because I , like many others, have wasted the time to respond to you. Maybe that's what you want - to boil some blood - and that's how you get your jollies. Well - this IS the internet, and you have that right. Have fun.

Even on my favorite band's forums the worshipping gets desperating. I usually try to ignore it, but sometimes I just can't avoid it to get to my nerves. Still I don't see how comments like "Opeth ain't the best band ever", "Opeth is overrated", etc. can even get to bother you and some people may even take them as personal offenses. By saying such things I'm not implying they suck, nor I'm making any fun of them, nor nothing like that. I think that would just prove my point that adoring a band to such levels can get to cloud your objectivity.
Originally posted by Lina
I knew some newbie would make a comment like this. No, this one little post isn't slamming. It's the fact that Claire's Horror (who used to post under the name Leper Affinity and ran an Opeth board-member picture page, but who got bored with it and ran away) has seemingly never posted anything positive about Opeth, takes every little itty bitty opportunity to say they aren't very good, and yet continues to lurk. I'm just asking why.

I would never go by a name such as that, first place of it all. Second, these kind of threads are not about discussing music, but merely for showing how much you adore and love Opeth's music, and they are always present no matter what. That's simply pointless and frustrating.
I am not anxious yet I'm sure I will be when it's about to come out I know I was for bwp and I love that album too. I'm going to be first in line at the stor when it comes out. . . when does it come out again? :grin:
I can't wait, but, as has been said, hope they take the time to make the best album possible. I'm dying for some new Opeth music (I've listened to all of their existing albums a million times), and to have TWO new discs is just a dream.

You can't complain about waiting over a year, either. Keep in mind that most mainstream bands go years between releases.

That's one of the things I love about underground metal. There are no real "hits," so there is no pressure from record execs to milk an album for every penny before putting out a follow up.
w-what happen? whosy whatsit? I can't wait... can't wait... the anticipation... can't function... must have new Opeth... greatest band ever... no need to hear anything but Opeth... can’t breath... (gasps)

That was supposed to lighten the mood.

Claire’s Horror
"...these kind of threads are not about discussing music, but merely for showing how much you adore and love Opeth's music, and they are always present no matter what. That's simply pointless and frustrating."

If you knew that, why’d you click it and read post after post? It’s like you’re setting yourself up to get pissed off. Why? Am I right when I say a person being too happy about a band is an annoying thing to you? Fine. That’s all you and sorry you feel that way, but it’s like getting mad at the inevitable. You already know it’s going to be there. Ya know...

Requiem, what?! I’ve always stood by individual opinions. To each his own. I know that. I never meant for it to come out any other way. I was searching for reasoning. My point was why comment if it’s only going to make you angry in the process? When I said “But HEY, this is a discussion board.” what I meant was, we can all say whatever we like. Yeah, the beginning may have sounded like an attack to you, but I made peace by the end of it. Or so I thought! :rolleyes:

As far as Brook, I was just playing with that comment. I know there are other great bands in the world. It’s just when I’m here, that’s what I’m going to talk about. Not the others. The wasted energy getting mad about it though. I don’t understand it. Let me say this. I tend to joke most of the time to keep things light. There are worse things in the world than overzealous Opeth fans.
