Do you know this effect?


Jan 17, 2009
I am recording a rock band and I am in the final stages of mixing. At one part of the song there is a guitar riff playing by itself and then silence. They asked me if I could put an effect on the last couple of notes that make it sound like the notes are being downtuned slowly. I can do it on my midi keyboard, say with playing a note and rolling the wheel (don't know what it is called) up and down, this changes the pitch up and down of that note. Just don't know how to it with plugs and a guitar track.

Any ideas???
what program do u use? I know in cubase you right click then hit process, and in the pitch shifter you can click on the envelope tab, and you can draw a line as to how you want the pitch to change.
There's a damn good one that comes with Reaper when you install it, and I think you can download the Reaplugs by themselves as well!
Look for a plug-in called Tape Stop - I'm pretty sure it's free. It simulates (funnily enough) a tape slowing down and stopping. It'll make the notes both slow down and drop in pitch in a nice logarithmic fashion (slow curve rather than linear).

It's a pain to use though - it doesn't work like a normal effect, you have to trigger it to start. You basically have to put the effect on your guitar track, play that track and click the stop button in the plug-in - and record all of that onto a new track.

It's a great effect though, so it's worth the effort!

thanks guys, I use sonar.

Which version?

Also - are you trying to make the pitch go down w/o changing the timing/rhythm or do you want the pitch to go down AND the tempo to slow down (like one was putting their finger on a reel to reel or record player)?
sonar 7, just want the pitch to go down, like when a record stops. Don't know how to explain it.

thanks again
Look for a plug-in called Tape Stop - I'm pretty sure it's free. It simulates (funnily enough) a tape slowing down and stopping. It'll make the notes both slow down and drop in pitch in a nice logarithmic fashion (slow curve rather than linear).

It's a pain to use though - it doesn't work like a normal effect, you have to trigger it to start. You basically have to put the effect on your guitar track, play that track and click the stop button in the plug-in - and record all of that onto a new track.

It's a great effect though, so it's worth the effort!


I played around a bit with the plug in Sonar and you can automate it with clip or track envelopes. Best way was to split the clip at the right point and add tapestop to the clip effects container and do a stop envelope, because somehow it doesn`t start back up with the same envelope.
Another problem was that you have to check everytime that the plug was in play mode before you do a mixdown also rendering took longer, so I just bounced the clips before with the effect in it.