Do you love "the Hoff"?

Jun 2, 2005
Man, i am fessing up now... bigtime!

But how do you all feel about David Hasselhoff?

See, a year or two ago, i thought, "man, how funny would it be if i take Mr. Hasselhoff's "I've been looking for freedom" as my theme song.." "would that be cult?"

And so i did.. i put that on a CD and took that everywhere i could, parties, work, listening to it while driving, handing out copies, listening to it all the time, you know?

So now, two years later, i am STILL listening to that song daily.. and that's no freakin joke, i love that man (in the most "hetero-sexual, not gay at all way", offcourse)
But that song actually grew on me, i now have posters of "the Hoff" and have a lot of songs (not those stupid cover songs he did, they suck) i have knightrider wallpaper, logo's, i watch baywatch and knightrider whenever i can as well!

You see? once i thought it was funny to listen to him, and now i just know that the Hoff rocks!! man, does he rock or what.. i mean really, i got goosebums when i saw him in the spongebob movie!

How do you all feel about the Hoff? do we have some (closet) Hoff fans in here?

Lol at this thread but Knight Rider is fucking cool!