Do you smoke?

I used to smoke, a fucking lot, like every hour if not more... I was in love with smoking, and I quit in August. So if I can do it, so can you. It does make life a bit more boring at times but I guess it's worth it in the long run.
yeah thats actually one reason why i smoke: i'm bored sometimes....and then nothing is better than a cigarette and my fav music on the balcony of my house....
yeah thats actually one reason why i smoke: i'm bored sometimes....and then nothing is better than a cigarette and my fav music on the balcony of my house....

Well, stop you cocklicker. I miss smoking while listening to music, or when I'm having a beer, or just while waiting for the bus/at work, but it's not worth it for me anyways, it's jsut a state of mind. But do what you like :p
Well, stop you cocklicker. I miss smoking while listening to music, or when I'm having a beer, or just while waiting for the bus/at work, but it's not worth it for me anyways, it's jsut a state of mind. But do what you like :p

yay tahnks i will keep that in mind and try it once again!!! :kickass:
-[chop]-;5648707 said:
3 years of smoking than they die? then they would have to smoke 1 and a half pack a day...if not more....

no like 100 a day and also never eat and have a very unhealthy lifestyle
my dad used to smoke 3 packs a day..... ;(
but he had quit 3 years ago.....and he's still "clean".... :)