Do you smoke?


Nov 18, 2001
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Hi, i would know if you are a normal smoker, a chain-smoker or a person who likes smoking a cigarette sometime (and which cigarettes you buy).. or opposite, you hate the cigarettes and the people who smoke and you think they are stupid and only hurt themselves...
Nope, I have never tried a cigarette in my life. I think I'd probably easily get addicted, seeing as how my mother always smoked until I was like 10, and most of my friends did as well. I kinda enjoy being around cigarettes, the smell is kinda good. But that's exactly why I won't try it.
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Nope, I have never tried a cigarette in my life. I think I'd probably easily get addicted

yeah me too, but i like the smell of weed, much better than cigarettes, but i dont smoke any of them anyway. cigarettes give me a headache! hate it when people smoke in concerts and stuff.
I've been smoking since I was around 14 years old. I smoke Newports or Camel Jades. It sucks. Cigarettes are too much money. Im suppose to quit as a new years resolution. Seems like everytime I've tried to quit though I start back because I get so ill, angry, and hate-filled from lack of nicotine that I don't care if I die and start back. Im gonna try the pacthes this time instead of cold turkey.
I don't smoke, I hate cigarettes, and I smokers get on my nerves when they do it around me. Mainly because I have allergies and on my weaker days cigarette smoke can drive my nose insane.
I've been smoking on and off for a few years now. Currently I smoke Barclay smooth & light's. I'd like to quit.. but I also would not like to quit, because I fucking like it......... but health-wise, well... I'm just too stupid to quit. :loco:
Originally posted by Brutalizer
Nope, i don't smoke and i am very glad because of it! :)

Same for me.. although I've tried some.. I just hate it.. I was impressed to see that a lot of people in here don't smoke.. good :)
Originally posted by Satori
I have never and will never touch tobacco. I'd much rather shove daggers up my ass, hehe.


Did u change your avatar just to reply to this thread? oh then again.. u said "tobacco" :pP
The 2 times i somked ( when i was something like 13 or 14 ) it felt like i was breathing with my face in a grill on a bbq...hated it. Besides i smoked a regular malboro in less than 40 seconds and i got quite a buzz that i did not liked...i did not knew Mexican regular malboro's where some of the most strong stuff for newbies anyway...
I used to smoke but I never got addicted, probably because I'm too stubern. But I don't somke anymore cause I don't have any reason to and cause they've raised the price on them so much that you have to be rich now to afford them. Well I've said my 2 cent hope you enjoyed it if not who cares :)