Do you think I can do this? Reamping

Well, I believe the FX-Pedal is converting the impedance. Why have an aux-in meant for CD players to play through a guitar amp, and not convert the impedance??

Anyway, interface = Alesis io26, DAW = Sonar 7

Reason why I don't think they convert the impedence is that I doubt they would install a $100+ specially designed transformer into a multi-fx pedal for such a trivial feature that isn't really a priority in the design... You never know though, perhaps it does.

Not sure how to set up your rig to output on one of the other outputs but it should be within Sonor. Set up a send on a track, add a hardware output on one of the other outputs, and disable the main hardware out for that channel. That's how it's done in Reaper anyways...
So when I do this method, the guitar sounds fine, but there is a ton of noise in the amp, which a noise gate in front of the amp doesn't help.

Turning down the interface volume also has no effect on the noise. Any ideas?
I tried this, pretty cool stuff... although i have to agree that the aux-in probably dosen't match impedance properly. I think the aux-in simply just does the bypass of all the fx, volumes, eq's and shit on the pedal no mater what, so you ain't applying wah wah or whatever to the CD your jamming with.
So fallowing the same logic, a pedal could act as a dummy load to send the out speaker out of a head into the interface, or into the pod that would only act as a speaker sim. ?

Am i right ?