Do you think you are ugly?


Do you think you are ugly?

Well you're not.

Except for maybe Scytheman, he looks like a planet.

But everyone else, if you think you are ugly, Why?

I think I have a fucking huge nose, and I do, and it bothers me a bit, but not as much as it used to. But my main problem with the way I look is how I'm skinny, and fat at the same time. My arms, neck and legs are skinny, and have no muscles, OR flab. But I already have a fucking round belly.

But I spose I really don't care. Just thought this might be an interesting topic.
Uh-oh...I feel a nickname comin' on for Schytheman! Maybe something gay like...asteroid. ;) Nicknames have to be dumb, otherwise...why bother?

Ugly? Hm. I don't think people are ugly. I don't even think animals are ugly. I think a painting/color can be ugly. A thing can be ugly, but it's such a brutal word to use on people.

"That burning flame that has guided me through all these years."
don't think that I am ugly, however I don't think that I am some sort of Tom Cruise or whomever is considered a male heartthrob these days.

I think one must love themself and have a high self-esteem for who they are....and accept and appreciate the uniqueness of hwo they look...because it doesn't mtter what "society" deems as an ugly or good looking person. Who the fuck are they anway?

And if you are lucky enough to find a significant other that thinks you are beautiful, both inside then out...then it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about how you look.
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
don't think that I am ugly, however I don't think that I am some sort of Tom Cruise or whomever is considered a male heartthrob these days.

I think one must love themself and have a high self-esteem for who they are....and accept and appreciate the uniqueness of hwo they look...because it doesn't mtter what "society" deems as an ugly or good looking person. Who the fuck are they anway?

And if you are lucky enough to find a significant other that thinks you are beautiful, both inside then out...then it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about how you look.

I don't feel particularly ugly... especially not now when I've fixed that blonde-brown-grey hair colour of mine (my hair couldn't decide whether to be blonde, brownish or carrot coloured -in reality it's a bit lighter than as seen in the avatar)... finally I have a hair colour that's identifiable.

But, no, I don't feel particularly ugly. I may feel pretty unattractive when having lounged about the house for ages and not really having made an effort, but otherwise I'm pretty satisfied with myself. Only problem is I have to gain a couple of kilos, though it's mostly a principle, trying to stay over the 50 kilo line.
my boyfriend tells me i'm beautiful... but that's just so he can get some. :lol:
i always thought i was ugly - especially when i was younger. i had the most HORRIBLE hair, it was so frizzy it looked like i was wearing a lampshade.
it calmed down in the last couple years, and now i love my hair. Yay!!

i still have a problem with my weight... well, not so much my weight, but the way it sits on me. i've been going to the gym and i'm on the slimfast diet. haha! i'm such a chick!!

in conclusion, i don't consider myself ugly, pretty, or beautiful. i think i'm "cute" i guess.
it varies from day to day.......i'm not one to stare at the mirror and talk to myself either but some days i guess i "feel" ugly and other days i wish i was a chick so i could truly fuck my own brains out.:lol: jk..............i think it really is a lot more internal than most would think. for me anyway........:D
I think I'm irredeemably ugly. I'm overweight, and I wear hideous glasses (I plan to get contacts soon). On the plus side I have a good fashion sense, but nothing can cover up that damn belly!

I see so many beautiful people and I think no one can possibly be interested in someone who is overweight. Which is why I plan to get a six-pack or kill myself trying.