Do you think you are ugly?

yeah,i was about to say that YOU indeed look very much like your avatar...

and Kittarin you are really very beautiful and sweet :D

(and now everybody will think i am a lesbian :loco: )

do i think i am ugly??...I feel i am ugly...i know people don't puke at me when they see me in the street,but well i can't consider myself pretty or nice or has sth to do with my low self-esteem i guess...i have always felt like that...
Originally posted by Melancholia
yeah,i was about to say that YOU indeed look very much like your avatar...

and Kittarin you are really very beautiful and sweet :D

(and now everybody will think i am a lesbian :loco: )

do i think i am ugly??...I feel i am ugly...i know people don't puke at me when they see me in the street,but well i can't consider myself pretty or nice or has sth to do with my low self-esteem i guess...i have always felt like that...

i think your fuckin hot mel!
Originally posted by Melancholia

do i think i am ugly??...I feel i am ugly...i know people don't puke at me when they see me in the street,but well i can't consider myself pretty or nice or has sth to do with my low self-esteem i guess...i have always felt like that...

you GOTTA be kidding... You're incredibly hot! Honest! I hate pointing it out though because i feel like such a goon when i do (like some ugly old man trying to pick up chicks on the internet because he can't in real life) But i wouldn't lie to ya, and neither would anyone else on the forum... You are beautiful. I think it's kinda sad when ANY girl feels they are ugly... I think all girls are beautiful and should never be made to feel any less.
Well, I already wrote about beauty tonight, so I guess ugly is a logical follow-up.

Am I ugly...

It depends when you ask me. If you ask me first thing in the morning when I'm stumbling around like a zombie, wishing I was still curled up in my bed - I bet I look pretty ugly then. Or maybe like Sullen Jester said, more scary than ugly.

But when I'm not doing my best impressions of the living dead I don't think I'm even remotely ugly. That doesn't mean I think I'm perfect looking or anything. I could nitpick for ages about the little things I wish I could fix. But they're all minor details, and when I make a little effort and my beautiful inner being comes blazing through, I can look quite lovely.

(Man, I think this might even be cheesier than my beauty post. What's wrong with me tonight?!?)
I feel i am ugly

Hell no Mel! The opposite! And, best of all, you have the brains to back it up! The fact that you can communicate so eloquently in a second language proves that fact! I don't know if you have low self-esteem or not, but be grateful: beauty and brains together in one package is few and far between!
Hmmm... I don't know if I'm ugly. I guess I don't think I am but I never really get any compliments, other than from family and crap like that. I don't get alot of girlfriends. (Pretty close to zero actually) But I think that's more because of social problems than looks.

I'm not particularly fucked up in the head or anything, I just never really got used to being around people. New people, atleast. I don't have any trouble around people I've known for years but get me in a room with somebody I've never met and leave us alone... Forget it! I actually feel sorry for people who have to be put in that situation with me...

What's bad is that I know I'm generally a good person and all that. I don't hate anybody and I don't hold grudges. I tend to care about everybody, especially people who are having their own problems. Even to the point where I'd give my life to help them. But, unfortunately, you have to get to know me before you see that quality and most people either don't appreciate that quality or they are more interested in (attracted to) other qualities. It's pretty depressing, actually...
