do you use plugins for solo-fx or something else

i think it really depends on the source sound recorded.

personally, i try to minimize delay/reverb and other things that 'muddy' up a lead - especially those that have a 'shredness' (is that word?) to them. but again, depends on the lead/song. if it's melodic, slower - bluesy - verb and a little delay tastfully added can sound good. the most important aspect of all, imo, is really to have a killer tone that enables it to cut through everything else. so occasionally - if the tone isn't there - or a non-tube source (e.g. POD) was used, i'll use a saturation plug to "warm" the sound a bit. several of the impulses available here help in that department too. sometimes so much, another plug (other than the impulse itself) is needed.
I love freeamp2 for solo stuff, which I use after I record direct with some dirt, not clean. Freeamp's cab sims and reverb seem to really add a cool dimension to solos. I often start with one of the clean or slightly driven presets, and then opt for the brown 2X12 cab sim. There's something about that simple and free VST that just works well with solos, that I can't seem to acheive using SIR with impulses and other VSTs for reverb. They make solos pop out, and me pop wood. Not recommended for rhythms though, it's too airy, middy, and echoey.
I like reverb and delay too. I'm not big on other things unless it's a really specific wierd sound I'm going for.
With delay, I usually automate the level to keep it out of the way during busy parts, but to really bring it out during sustained notes or slower sections.
Sometimes I'll automate the feedback as well to keep an echo going on a closing note or something like that.
thanks for the responses. but I actually thought you'all throw in some plugin names or sth. i'm using the gearboxplugin for delay and reverb at the moment but i'm not satisfied.
Well a digital delay is just an echo, so theoretically there shouldn't be any difference between plugins - some offer analog simulation and whatnot, but I've always been happy just going with a simple echo to give my leads that soaring sound. :rock: Check out "Song for my Parents" in my soundclick page for what I mean :)
Kjaerhus Classic Delay for your echo, then digitalfishphones Blockfish to add some comp (also handy is the saturation control). For Reverb I normally stay away from convolution based stuff, conversely I find that they don't mesh well with the other instruments. For me the more basic the reverb the better results, and the more it locks in with the rest of the track, whilst still bringing the solo out a bit. I find ReaVerbate not too bad, to be honest though I haven't found my perfect 'reverb' plug yet. Tried Glaceverb, SIR and impulses, Kjaerhus Reverb etc. Any suggestions for non-convolution verbs would be appreciated.
Ambience is a GREAT free reverb. I'm really surprised I don't hear of other people using it. It's really great for getting that "Sneap-verb" on the drums...with a little tweaking (and it is very tweakable). Scroll down the page, look for "Ambience". Also has versions for Mac.