Does a sub 300EUR preamp improve DI?


Oct 23, 2010
Roaming Europe
Hi, I am wondering if there is a benefit in getting a standalone preamp like the GAP pre73, if I just record my own stuff which is mainly guitars/bass and not much vocals. As I process the DI ITB with plugins, would it make the end result a bit warmer?
Some say the preamp gives the least noticeable difference for the money in a signal chain so I wonder what you think.
Since you are only recording your own stuff, don't bother investing a lot on converters and preamps. If the rest of your chain is very good (guitar/bass, pickups, decent cables, MONITORING, etc), then go for a preamp. The pre73 may be a good move.
The pre73 is great but the DI is very colored. Yes it sounds "warmer" in that it's less precise and clear than a good transparent DI.
Thanks for the replies. I don't mind investing in used gear that I can re-sell later, I am not quite satisfied with the life cycle of software in general so rather spend on the chain as you suggest. That is why I got a SM7B with a Fethead preamp just in case I need it, even if I rarely record vocals I won't lose on those.
Guitar/Bass are good, Elixir cable, Event TR6 monitor, Palmer active DI (used mainly just for the parallel output as the EMU interface 1M input is just as good), EMU converters. Yes I can always improve room treatment and I do but it is the life I am missing not the frequency response.

I had a look at pre73 specs in the meantime and its DI is only 100K input so not optimal, will need to up the game a bit to Isa One/RNP/Black Lion/Warm Audio. The general question still stands, if a less coloured preamp will bring more life to a DI that is processed ITB or I just need to save for a Kemper.