HELP: 6505+, preamp out as a DI, but no sound??

Mar 15, 2011
So, I've read around that you can DI a 6505+ head and use IR's for your cabs. This sounds like an awesome idea to me since I'd like to try it as opposed to the mic I have. I believe that IR's will sound better than a Blue Snowball, lol

NOTE: Don't worry, I'm running my had into my cab to get the impedance load taken care of so I don't fry my head.

However, here's my problem:

I'm running my 6505+ at 16ohms, into a cab that's 16 ohms, no problem there. But I'm trying to run the preamp out into a tube preamp with a USB out as a DI box. Its the ART Tube MP to be exact. I'm not getting sound into the "DI box."

I'm still getting power to my cab, and my tone is the same regardless. But the DI is picking up no signal, as well as not recording anything. The tube mp has a monitor on the front of it to let me know where the decibels are at.

I've used the same cable directly into my guitar, and I'm getting a signal that way. But no signal from my preamp out. And I'm just lost as to what the problem is. I've used the preamp out before (but a long time ago) and it worked then.

Could something have gone wrong with my head (the preamp out specifically)?

Is something wrong with the way the signal is sent to the Tube MP?

Or am I just missing a step?

Hopefully someone can assist me here. Its getting time to start recording again soon, and I'm working on tones ahead of time, so the recording process doesnt take as long, and I really want this way to work. I love the 6505+, and I love my tone, and since I have the gear, I'd really like to take advantage of it.

Any help will do.

Please and thank you!
Are you running it into the line in on your interface? Seeing as the 6505 is a preamp, you can plug that straight into the converter, no need for a second preamp.

Try putting a delay or something into the fx loop of the amp, if that also cuts sound then you know you have an amp issue. If not something else is wrong.
Directly into which interface. I'm using the Tube MP as DI box, and using the usb out to further connect to the computer. If you're asking was I plugged into the input, yes. And, The reason I'm going through that is because it has the USB out. I wasn't really thinking I needed another preamp, just that it's a great tool to use to connect my head via usb.

I'll try the FX loop when I get home, bout to cut out to work. But that does make sense, testing it that way as an indicator for any kind of issues.
The 6505's preamp out is dependent from the post gain. You'll have to push it a bit to get a signal