Does Akerfeldt do ALL the vox on Crimson?

I don't have the CD yet, I'm waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

I'm listening to the mp3 I downloaded and was curious all. So Akerfeldt does just the screams... okay, thanks!

NP: Eternity X - The Edge

well, since there is already a topic about crimson.. :)
akerfeldt's scream at about the 27th minute of the song, (screaming the word god) is amazing, i can´t understand how he can scream for such a long time, if memory serves me correctly it was 15 seconds. does anyone know if it is truly not fixed at a studio.. you know, is it really just one long scream?
I'd say it isn't made in the studio. I know from an interview with Mike that he screams pretty quiet. Just in the same volume in that he speaks. That's the key! So he has enough breath to do it.
I know a singer (from one of my own bands) who did a 20 oder 25 second scream. Without tricks because I don't have the possibillity to do that. :)

I want to make some holidays in Iceland somtimes... it must be pretty cool there, right?

By the way, welcome in the Swanö-forum. :rolleyes:
I wasn't planning on posting in this thread, but after seeing Gleemonex's post, I had to.

Is your nickname, Gleemonex, a coincidence, or are you a fan of The Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy? That's the name of "the drug" that is the subject of the film.

With Gleemonex, it feels like it's 72 degrees in your head... ALL THE TIME!
Wardwarf: BRAIN CANDY IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES!!! :D (Baxter: Chris? She's depressed, not stupid!)
and the Kids in the Hall tv shows are just brilliant :)
Actually, it was pretty difficult for me to get the movie, coz it never came to Iceland, i finally ordered it at Amazon 2 years ago.

Unicorn: cool here? at the moment i´d go for freezing ;) it´s minus 10 degrees right now. but i´m sure it´s a nice enough country to go for a vacation in the summer, the nature is beautiful and all that ;)
20 or 25 seconds? bloody hell! i can´t help but be amazed.
oh and thanks for the welcome, it´s a lovely forum :)
Hey, did you see that, uh, Nina Bedford show this morning?

Yeah, the one about toast fucking.

Toast fucking?

Yeah, it's this new thing where you fuck, or get fucked, with toast.

That show this morning was about the new drug...

Oh, must've been a dream I had.

*laughs* I hope so!
I read in a Bloodbath interview with Anders (Nystrom that is ;)) that Mike can scream for over a minute 'like some sort of fucking monster' :lol:
Possibly an exagerration, but he can scream a long time, to be sure.
25 secs ha! its nothing compared to one of my net buddies growl he growls for 53 sec one growl i have the sample! and no it isn't studio fixed he practices his vox everyday for about 2-3 hours he says the thing is to breath in when you scream/growl...yep its quite amazing!