does anyone else go through music modes?


Aug 31, 2003
like for instance i'm currenty in the mood for thrash and i'm blasting DNR in my headphones. I'll probably go through this mood for another day or two until i'm in the mood for either death, prog, or something else.

anyone else go through this too? :goggly:
i do, i have a ton of music and sometimes i just revisit old bands and go "wow they kick ass!" all over again. some days i feel like some cheesy powermetal then the next day i want melodeath music so ya, i do the same.
I once listened to Tori Amos's Boys for Pele cd on repeat for an entire weekend.

Right now I'm listening to a lot of grunge - Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. Other times I'll listen to all of my Nevermore or Opeth cds back to back, or keep playing Slayer and Sepultura.
Very much so. I am in a mode right now where I want very heavy, without the blast beats and screams.

Everygrey is not cutting it, neither is Cathedral or Katatonia. I'm outta options. Goddamnit.
Yes, yes, I need more Candlemass. You're very correct, I took your suggestion and put it on.
i go through music modes very frequently... like wi thin a 5 minute span... i put Nevermore in the CD p layer, then change it to Anathema, then change it to Dream Theater, then to Dream Evil, then Sentenced, then Emperor, then Antimatter's acoustic CD.. call it musical ADD