Does anyone else HATE exdrummer???

Then I add two MIDI tracks to Cubase, route the first one's MIDI output to the P/R instance, the second one to the DFH instance. Then you just program everything in two separate MIDI tracks. It takes some getting use to, but once you get a system going it's no more difficult than programming in one track.

Just wanted to say, I think you can use send on that same MIDI track, so you don't need to make two tracks. :)
@alan1990, 006
thanks thats very helpful.
wouldn't it be easier to programm drums with only one kit, add another kit and copy the lines from one midi-file to a new one (routed to the second instance)? you wouldn't have to switch forth and back all the time?
In logic I have one midi track sent to all the instances of ezd.
1 for kick, 1 for snare, 1 for hihat, 1 for each toms, 1 for oh.
oh yeah, did I mention that for some STUPID reason you can't freeze the aux outputs of an instrument in logic?