Does anyone focus on music to the point where they neglect personal hygiene?

Do you ever focus on your musical activity so much that you neglect personal hygiene?

  • Yes... frequently... I am a mix-scutter!

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • Sometimes... I make an effort to compensate!

    Votes: 12 24.0%
  • No... I take pride in my sparkling appearance!

    Votes: 25 50.0%

  • Total voters
Its pretty common for me to completely forget about eating, drinking, shaving, washing and up to a certain point... sleeping when I'm heavily involved in writing and recording music.

Yeah I basically just run on a mix of caffiene and raw enthusiasm if im doing music stuff. I cant be bothered to cook and clean shit so I pretty much live on co-op milkshakes and pepsi max.
I shower and brush my teeth everyday. But I have been known to rock the same clothes (minus socks everyday, don't wear underwear) for days/weeks. I'm not really a smelly person unless it's summer time.

Didn't you guys know, chicks like to fuck scummy guys? I thought everyone knew that. :)
chicks like to fuck scummy guys?

Lol dunno man... I know that scummy chicks like to fuck pretty much everyone at least in my experience... Most chicks round here havent got the patience for a guy like me. My girlfriend is pretty damned patient considering but she seems to think that just because I make metal/rock music that I have to look like Tommy Lee or CC Deville or something.
Yes... frequently... I am a mix-scutter! 11 25.58%
Sometimes... I make an effort to compensate! 12 27.91%
No... I take pride in my sparkling appearance! 20 46.51%

Heavy metal is looking more and more like pop music every day...
I can be pretty lazy with that when I have mixing stuff in mind^^
But I shower before leaveing the flat though...most times at least.
My lovely GF always r"eminds me kindly" to take a shower if I'm lost too deep in music stuff.
Yeah, because heavy metal is all about looking/smelling/feeling like a shitty, dirty, unwashed hobo.

What? You mean you didnt know? The guy who lent you St. Anger should have made that clear. :lol:
Yep, we must be fat, hairy, smell like shit, drink nothing but beer and shout "SLAAAYYYYYEERRRRRR!" at the top of our lungs every 30 seconds!

Horrible stereotype that some people feel the need to keep up.
Yep, we must be fat, hairy, smell like shit, drink nothing but beer and shout "SLAAAYYYYYEERRRRRR!" at the top of our lungs every 30 seconds!
Horrible stereotype that some people feel the need to keep up.

Ha. Nah dude, its called sarcasm/irony. Heard of it? All I know is that its real easy for me to lose myself in doing music and totally forget about normal basic day to day stuff.
Yeah dude no worries I was being kinda sarcastic too, though there are folk that seem to try to keep that stereotype up (not saying yourself dude)
Ah sure... i get as pissed off with them people as the other end of the scale. I just like to do whatever the hell I want without wondering what the local scenekids think haha which a lot of my friends seem to fall into. I have too much shit to take care of on top of music to be worried about how my fringe looks today.