The "what does this matter?" thread.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Okay some of you take music way too seriously for me (but that's not necessarily a bad thing), and some of you are like me where you just fuck about and pretend you know shit about shit (which I don't, do you?).

So does any of this music matter? Is there some greater impact that say, Hate Forest has to make on society? Is that even the point? If 5 people on the planet know about a great piece of art today and 17 more join them 100 years from now, does that matter? Is it still important?

I'm just curious (and drunk) at this point. For example I may praise Kayo Dot as the next musical movement, but chances are, nobody but a few hundred people (at best) will ever hear it. So is there a point to all of this?

Or is it just entertaining yourself in your current station?
it kinda depends on mood and company how seriously i take (or pretend to take) music/metal. ive pretty much dropped the 'everyone who doesnt listen to metal is a retard' attitude i used to have, which is kind of funny becuase i listen to way more underground/obscure/difficult shit than i ever used to when i had that dumbass attitude (i attribute it to age really). as you grow up you get a little less idealistic and a little more tollerant becuase its just easier to get along with people that way. i still may think someone is a dumbass for their atrocious taste in bland soul-less pop music, but i dont come out and tell them so much as i used to. you make a lot more friends if you keep your opinion of people to yourself haha. i listen to a fair amount of bands that probably take themselves way seriously, but im just not too worried about that. i can enjoy someone's music and still think they're kind of an idiot. its not big deal. besides, i cant take myself totally seriously with the mr bungle, snoop dogg, and fintroll albums in my cd case now can i?
addresing none in particular:

well as i see things, nothing "matters" (objectivly speaking), when you don't have a god to provide a base for objective values then it all boils down to that. you cannot claim that a person has got an objective value without something like a god to base it upon since one can always expand the scale of things to say, a cosmic one, and then a lump of flesh shambling about on a watery rock somewhere in space is not very important. for me, humans, the earth, myself or anything has not got any value in themselves, it/they become worth preserving if i would miss it if it wasn't there.

what's you definition of something that matters anyway? something that benefits society, something that makes people glad?
as long as it makes me feel good/satisfied or whatever, than it matters.

so to "answer" your first question: no, music doesn't matter in any other way other than on my own personal subjective liking of it. but that's all that's needed
The way I see it, if music makes me feel the way I do, of course it fucking matters!

As far as those people who say "it's only music, it doesn't matter" are concerned, they can piss off and leave people who take it seriously to take it seriously. If it doesn't matter why do they open their mouths on the subject in the first place?
Do I believe any of the music I listen to will make a positive impact on the majority of society? That would be delusional. Do I care that much of the musicians I admire are destined to obscurity? On some personal level yes, but since they have given their small following much pleasure and inspiration, they have been a qualified success IMO. The word "matters" as commonly used implies conforming to the expectations of society and as such is largely inapplicable to our more selective interests, especially since understanding of art has rarely been compatible with the mainstream...
spaffe said:
addresing none in particular:

well as i see things, nothing "matters" (objectivly speaking), when you don't have a god to provide a base for objective values then it all boils down to that. you cannot claim that a person has got an objective value without something like a god to base it upon since one can always expand the scale of things to say, a cosmic one, and then a lump of flesh shambling about on a watery rock somewhere in space is not very important. for me, humans, the earth, myself or anything has not got any value in themselves, it/they become worth preserving if i would miss it if it wasn't there.

what's you definition of something that matters anyway? something that benefits society, something that makes people glad?
as long as it makes me feel good/satisfied or whatever, than it matters.

so to "answer" your first question: no, music doesn't matter in any other way other than on my own personal subjective liking of it. but that's all that's needed
best me to it.

i agree 100%
I think if art impacts just one person (and it could be the creator whom it impacts), then it matters. Unlike something such as national healthcare, art doesn't need to have wide societal impact to be important.