the "i hate this part" thread

While those Katatonia lyrics do fit the mood of the song, Jonas' awkward delivery makes those lines hard to for Glen on Vital Remains, I still have to make an attempt to tune him out to enjoy some parts of the album, especially on Unleash Hell.
that part on LODDOD (about 32:00-37:00) where its just the chick wailing and some kind of synth sax or something is fuckin BAD. i always fast forward through that part. i think he only put that in to hit the one hour mark haha.
Is that what your daddy told you, son? :lol:

Maybe I'm too hard on it... if it weren't a sequel I would probably like it more. :grin:
No, it's really not *in comparison to* Crimson I. Each time I listen to Crimson I again, I'm quickly reminded of how incredible it is (surely one of the best albums of all time). For that reason alone, Crimson II seems to fail quite drastically, and in hindsight, I don't think Crimson I needed a sequel therefore. They should have left it alone, and used this new music for just another regular EoS album (and it would still not be as good as Purgatory Afterglow).