the "i hate this part" thread

I don't know who to quote to give the most :lol: thingies to now!

I'm still curious about Moontower, even if JayKeeley and I feel damn near identical about Crimson II: The Sequel That Should Not Be.

Well if I'm making gay babies (or just making babies in a gay fashion) with Vital Remains, should I check out Amorphis to make a Gay Baby Brigade, or Baby Brigade: Made With Gay? I heard a song or two of theirs years ago but don't really remember.

Manes - Confluence. The only reason that German bit bothers me is because I've had to run back to my office to turn that part down for fear that co-workers would think I'm a Nazi. You know how harshly spoken German can breed more assumptions than a uh... goat in China, or something. :erk:
NAD said:
should I check out Amorphis to make a Gay Baby Brigade, or Baby Brigade: Made With Gay? I heard a song or two of theirs years ago but don't really remember.
Should you check out Amorphis? Yes x 1000. I'll go out on a limb and say that there won't be a single person on this forum who would think otherwise.

Manes - Confluence.
The way I look at it is like this: they could have just ended the album without it, and you would still get the same album. I like it, I think it's disturbing (especially when you know what's being said), but I do regard it as an 'extra'.
JayKeeley said:
Should you check out Amorphis? Yes x 1000. I'll go out on a limb and say that there won't be a single person on this forum who would think otherwise.
Probably Sorath.

I wouldn't... but stay away from the last two albums.
Yep, I've read that review. Now I shall go read it again, but only if Amorphis is indeed a noble name. :)

I buy what I want, when I want. You cannot revoke my buying privaleadgeges. Unless you work for Discover, then you probably could. :p
NAD said:
Yep, I've read that review. Now I shall go read it again, but only if Amorphis is indeed a noble name. :)
It is very noble indeed.

I buy what I want, when I want. You cannot revoke my buying privaleadgeges. Unless you work for Discover, then you probably could. :p
Ah, but little do you know: son of Swano is also CEO for Discover.
Demonspell said:
Elegy and Thousand Lakes are very noble albums, the last three you'll have to judge for yourself...
"Tuonela" simply rules, and is possibly my favourite Amorphis album. With "Am Universum" they more or less lost all appeal for me. I've had the album since it came out and don't think I've ever listened to the whole thing in one sitting.
Not as long as it's "copy-protected" and $18, because such commercialist bullshit makes me unwilling to touch it even with a ten-foot pole. Amorphis sold out, they could make the best fucking albums in the world for all I care; fuck 'em.
$18? That's a bargain. It's like $30 in the US.

Erik - out of interest, how much say does Amorphis have in deciding on the use of copy protection? Since they're now under EMI (is that right?), perhaps they have less-to-no say?

Unless of course your issue is with them signing to a major label as well...oh well, before even having heard the new one, I know for a fact that it will be closer to Am Universum than anything else, and the Amorphis I fell in love with were the same guys that made Thousand Lakes, Elegy, and Tuonela. Brilliant, brilliant hatrick.
I think they have little-to-no say, but that's what you get for signing to a major label. It is around $30 in stores here also; I used the best-case scenario, i.e. The End.
Black Winter Day said:
jaykeeley, you are wrong in that it does NOT sound like am universum. how in the hell can you "know this for a fact" without even hearing it?!? it sound like tuonela crossed with the "rock" elements of elegy.
True - I knew there was something wrong with my post after I walked away from my computer...but I guess I was just relying on my well-honed skills in ESP.

It's the price that gets me, though. I aint paying $30 when there are still a thousand albums I want, each at a third of that price. Send me a CD-R!!