the "i hate this part" thread


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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ok, this thread is about bad moments in metal cds/ songs.
the point, is not to say bad things about bands you dont like, because thats not the point, but about bands you LOVE, that had bad parts in their songs.

for example:

Behemoth: Thelma 6 , song no.10 from 02:00 and after: there's this annoying voice i cant stand, so out of place..!

Nocturnus - Neolithic
which is a GREAT song, but the last part: from 03:00 till 03:45,
they just repeat the keyboard part over and over again...
the most annoying 45 seconds in Death metal.

ok now your turn :D
i could probably do without the german track on the latest manes cd... just a waste of 5 minutes... uh, hmmm... you know, i will have to think about this more and get back to you

i can think of a non-metal song, though... in "i stay away" by alice in chains! such a beautiful intro/main sequence and verse, but it goes into that TERRIBLE pre-chorus ("whyyyy youuuu acccttt craaaazzyyy....") that sounds like layne was tripping even when he sang it. the rest of the song is great, just that pre-chorus part sucks and always makes me cringe. if you've heard the song you know what i'm talking about.
Two jump right to mind:

Dark Angel - Leave Scars
That horrible Zeppelin cover right smack in the middle of a great album

Flotsam and Jetsam - No Place For Disgrace
Again, another bad cover right in the middle of the record, Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting

Lesson: bands need to put their shit covers that no one wants to hear at the end of the record, so I can act like they're not there...
You sir, are out of your fucking mind! That whiny pre-chorus in I Stay Away is PERFECT!!! It complements the dichotomous mood of the song so well! :D

Honestly, very few moments annoy me if it's an album I really like. Although that "it's not as if I owe him money" on the new Katatonia is pretty lame... but I don't know how much it really bothers me.

I never skip tracks either. :)
After everyone kept going on about Glen Benton not knowing when to shut his mouth on Vital Remains' Dechristianize, that's all I seem notice now. On the title track, I love the tempo/riff change at the 2:20 mark, but it would be soooo much better if Benton stopped growling for that interlude change.

Sometimes less is more.
It is a weird moment, but I do love it. The atonal riffing and wacko bassline complement Layne's off key cat wails, right after that beautiful opening. It's almost as if they said "hang on! We're not pretty! See!?"

Funny how I bitched about Glen never shutting up on Dechristianize, but I love his vocals on that album now, even in all their incessent glory.
Why do the Katatonia lines "He went too far that fucker" and "it's not as if I owe him money" make us cringe? I mean, I agree that they are teh suck from dogshit he11, but I find it equally amusing that I can listen to Blind Guardian lyrics about Forest Elves and Dwarf kingdoms and not cringe whatsoever. :tickled:
Errrm...the embaressing harmony between solos on Weekend Warrior by Iron Maiden? That's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head :S
Dead_Lioness said:
Dissection - The Somberlain

John screams there, so high, reminds me of old Slayer..
i hate that scream..
Actually, that's Dan Swanö screaming. And it RULES. Grrrym falsett, as we'd say in Sweden. Diabolical Masquerade's "Under the Banner of the Sentinel" has more of Danne's painfully great falsetto voice.
Ayeka said:
Errrm...the embaressing harmony between solos on Weekend Warrior by Iron Maiden? That's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head :S
Uh. All of "Weekend Warrior" is an embarassment. Actually, the whole of "Fear of the Dark" save a couple of bits and pieces is.
I ain't listened to it proper for years. My mate just had me listen to the solo in a Geography lesson :p
Erik said:
Actually, that's Dan Swanö screaming. And it RULES. Grrrym falsett, as we'd say in Sweden. Diabolical Masquerade's "Under the Banner of the Sentinel" has more of Danne's painfully great falsetto voice.

oh i didnt know that actually !
thanks for the info
I didn't know that was Dan either, thanks Erik. It's one of those moments where I'll repeat it several times before moving on with the rest of the song. :p
Dead_Lioness said:
Dissection - The Somberlain

John screams there, so high, reminds me of old Slayer..
i hate that scream..

That's an awesome moment!