Does Anyone Here Have A Ipod For Sale?

The light on my iPod just stopped working. :(

And the headphone jack has been corroded for the last two and a half years, so the sound only comes out in monotone. But I bought one of those radio accessories that plugs into the bottom charging input.
Some fat douchebag mick bastard i used to live with stole my iPod nano. But whatever, my exgirlfriend got it for me for christmas so i hope a car hits him. You can buy it from him for $5 and some Canadian bacon. The currency is in USD though.
My 5th gen iPod has had its hard drive replaced with a 32GB compact flash card and the firmware replaced with Rockbox. I guess I can't really call it an iPod anymore.

I still mourn my Rio Karma
There's a my pals out on the street yelling at the cop shop because they towed his car. He can yell all he want, even his racist slogans, but my car's parked in that street and the second he starts touching cars I'm gonna give him the American History X treatment.