Does anyone here like Jeniferever?

Tom Strutton

Oct 23, 2006
Is anyone here familiar with the Swedish post-rock band Jeniferever? They released their debut album in 2006. It's one of the most incredible albums ever, and they put on an amazing live show too (saw them last night in London).

It's not often I say this, but I feel genuinely lucky to have stumbled upon this band. I can take or leave 99% of most stuff in my collection, but Jeniferever's 'Choose a Bright Morning' LP is in a league of it's own. It makes me saddened to think that people might be missing out on this pure musical gold.
I haven't heard them although I'm pretty sure I've seen that name before. I'll gladly accept this as a recommendation on your behalf and check it out within the next couple days and let you know what I think.
Thankyou for your contribution to my urgent attempt to incite everyone to the wonders of this magnificent, transcendent music. :rolleyes: