Does anyone like Saturnus?

Illnath said:

They are just about the only doom band from Denmark. Anyway they released a new song on their website. Their first release in like 5 years. I quite like it.

I do like Saturnus, quite a bit actually. I have all 3 releases and Paradise Belongs to You is easily my favorite. The new vocal style on Martyre too me some time to get used to, and im still not certain if I like it, but the music on Martyre is amazing. I've been looking forward to this new release for awhile, and can't wait to here it completed.

On the other hand, I have written to the band several times, and never got a response, so I have been turned off by that, quite a bit.
I have 2 of the albums, and I like them very much.
My only complaint is the one album with all of the fucking chirping bird samples. Damn, thats annoying!!!
Novembers Paul said:
I do like Saturnus, quite a bit actually. I have all 3 releases and Paradise Belongs to You is easily my favorite. The new vocal style on Martyre too me some time to get used to, and im still not certain if I like it, but the music on Martyre is amazing. I've been looking forward to this new release for awhile, and can't wait to here it completed.

On the other hand, I have written to the band several times, and never got a response, so I have been turned off by that, quite a bit.

"Paradise Belongs To You" is indeed an excellent album, and I also agree about the bird chirping being rather irritating.

On the subject of being turned off by Saturnus, they recently started a thread on that they were looking for a label, and they got in a internet cat fight with the owner of their old label. It was pretty much in bad taste.
Fall_of_Empyrean said:
"Paradise Belongs To You" is indeed an excellent album, and I also agree about the bird chirping being rather irritating.

On the subject of being turned off by Saturnus, they recently started a thread on that they were looking for a label, and they got in a internet cat fight with the owner of their old label. It was pretty much in bad taste.

I have not seen the thread, but bad taste, sounds like very unprofessional. Not the best way to find a new home.
I absolutely love Saturnus. Just like Paul i didnt like the style of the vocals on Martyre at first, but it grew on me and now i like Martyre much more than PBTY.
Im listening to "Murky Waters" as I write and it sounds pretty good, similar sound to Martyre, awesome!

Paul: About you not getting an answere from them, It looks like they have been on a brake, since its almost 6 years since Martyre was released. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Fans have complained about the lack of news and interaction etc in their commentspage and now it looks like they finally have awaken, 4 newsupdates already in 1 week. :)
Someone sugested that they should open a forum at, i hope they do so. But maybe would be a better place for them, since they dont sound pretty doomy anymore, imo.