Fake Anathema


freckled warrior maiden
Jul 28, 2003
Northeast Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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Hi, I've never posted in here before. I really hate to talk about another band on this forum but I heard about a fake Anathema from Pennsylvania who won't change their name and their logo is a TOTAL ripoff of the real band (the swirly Peaceville-era logo). The reason this concerns me is that they seem to be gaining popularity. Their website is http://www.anathemamusic.tk if anyone wants to post on their forum and belittle them. Or not. :) Anyway, I do like Novembers Doom and I used to spin them all the time on my old radio show. Billy Steele could back me up about this ;)
I have nothing against emo bands or anything of that sort. But any band that has the audacity (or is just too clueless to know better) than to use the name and even an almost exact replica of the logo of an already established band, ought to be slapped a bit. I mean jesus christ kids do a fucking Google search on these band names you come up with first.
My point exactly bro! The best part is that I'm in a band only 50 miles southwest from Richboro, and can swing by to administer smacks while on my way for rehearsals. It's sooo hard to Google a band name to avoid confusion...(sarcastic overtone-off) I've already posted a bulletin in both my personal myspace and my BM band's myspace accts.
The name? Oké, I can imagine that...but that logo....There's no coincidence there, it's a fraud!!! I guess they are very fond of Anathema but they think they appeal to a whole different audience that don't know them or something and that they can get away with it. We know better, heheh.