Does listening to music require a good imagination?

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
Personally speaking, the greatest music moments come when listening to headphones, eyes closed, letting images flow through my head (weed helps :) ). Is it just a coincidence that unimaginative people listen to bad music? Does it mean that the kids who played with action figures and drew pictures instead of watching TV are more likely to listen to RC Music?

So just how important is it?
I'd say yes, especially when it comes to instrumental and/or experimental music, without the capacity for mental images to accompany such music it does run the danger of being perceived as noise for art's sake...and unhinged is 100% right, active imagination and adventurous taste in music go hand in hand.
I don't consider that I have a good imagination and sometimes have trouble picturing things. Thing is, the artwork and/or the lyrics generally condition my perceptions. Production also plays a role on what I associate a record to. So on the one hand I have imagination for I can perceive images, associate the music with certain things but on the other hand my music is seldom linked to precise moments of my life except for seasons or vague periods, especially the first times I listened to important albums.