Does Planet Z/Zeuss have a website?

i am pretty sure he doesnt. his studio is about 10 min. from me and i have recorded there with him before. i like his work too and he is a super cool guy as well. if you wanted to know anything in particular let me know and i can try to ask him for ya.
dont quote me on this but im pretty sure he still uses pro tools with a pro control surface. last he told me he was using klein & hummel 0300 for monitors with a central station(i think he was going to replace the central station though). im sure he has a bunch of toys at this point.

its not the gear though. when my old band recorded our album with him in like 2000 he was using a mackie db8 with mackie hdr on the sequencer that went with that system and had mackie monitors, the 8 inch ones and the albums he made on that system sounded great. he is just a really talented guy with a great ear for music. i think he could make a good record on any equipment. after i recorded at his place, i was hooked on engineering.
The Acacia Strain is recording there now. Find them on myspace and there's a video of them in the studio. I dont think they showed much, or got really specific on anything, but its a step closer from not being able to find a website. I actually looked for one a couple weeks ago with no luck.
I'm a huuuuge fan of his work also. I record mostly hardcore so often my reference cds are ones that were made by him. He occationally posts on the Gearslutz forum. Just search posts by user: ZEUSS. You might find out something.