Does this band really have serious fans?


Death Be Not Proud
Jan 15, 2010
Dickson City, Pa
Do any of you guys listen of Immortal? Ever head "Call of the Wintermoon?" If so, ever watch the video? My first time listening to them was while watching this music video. This has got to be like the napolean dynamite of the metal music video world. With a video like this i can't take this band the least bit serious. They would have been better off spending their 10 dollar budget on some dollar menu food at McDonald's. At least then they would have gotten something accomplished. Check out the video:
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Old classic stuff. It´s actually an Internet meme. And yes, Immortal have many fans. I don´t actually think they´re more ridiculous than any other black metal bands with corpse paint. Anyway, here´s a quote from Abbath on an interview:

Is the promo-video for "The Call Of The Wintermoon" going to be released officially? It seems like it was recorded in the summer-time, did this give you the "grimcold" feeling that you present in the lyrics?

"The "Call of the wintermoon" video was a huge mistake. It has no matter of course at all. We had an offer from a TV company here in Bergen to do it and there were nothing planned before they started to film which had to be done within two hours because it was supposed to be broadcasted later that evening. Anyway, we were stupid enough to rush into it. As I can remember we were a bit confused in those days."
hahaha this again. Yep, it's one of those bands that make you think exactly that. Another one for me was Brokencyde. Awful "music" and I was completely shocked to find out that they where serious and actually have fans.
Are you kidding? Immortal are one of the biggest BM bands around. Have you recently emerged from beneath a large rock?

Anyway this song is pretty good, and I'm not usually a fan of BM.
I don't think all black metal is gay, just the ones who prance around in the woods dressed like merlin. lol. I am a huge, HUGE fan of Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir.
Cradle Of Filth...


Yeah, less gay than panda bears running through the forest with weird hats! hahaha
Gotta say i cant listen to any BM that sounds like it was recorded live on a Dictaphone, but Sons of the Northern Darkness is an awesome album...