Does this band really have serious fans?

For me, black metal = the early/mid '90's era. That's when I first heard any of that stuff and along with it, the stories of murder and arson. Some of those guys obviously took it very seriously. The ones that didn't wanted you to think that they did. The only reason I heard any of it was because of the murder and arson.
My point of view concerning black metal never changed from then on. I thought the image and everything they were about was stupid and juvenile. A couple of the bands may have progressed beyond that, musically (Sons of Northern Darkness is a prime example), but that's a fluke for me. Black Metal is still ridiculous.

exactly, i feel like it gets its reputation far more for the image and the shit associated with it. i guess you could level the same criticism at death metal for stuff like cannibal corpse and carcass cos of the attention their lyrical content gets, but who the fuck cares about corpse anymore anyway?

all the death metal ive listened to ive found while searching for music with good instrumentation, clever insightful lyrics and a good attitude.
plenty of chums i have are into the whole black metal thing and they send me this shit saying its the pinnacle of black metal and it still all feels like a bunch of life haters to me.
i dont get whats so cool about hating life.

only stuff i dig thats black metal (or black metal influenced) is immolation (and even then i prefer the weirder stuff) and portal (because dudes wearing clocks on their heads is pretty cool and they're not really black metal so i dont get why people say they are.)
''Yup, that's me, lame metal riffs and hip hop beats to the grave

Yeah i kinda changed my mind , I was trying to pick out 1 person but figured id prob start a war with that.

Why are so many people concerned about the image of Blackmetal?
Just enjoy the music! like I said can you take any metal band seriously?
does the lyrical content mean anything to you? half the metal bands out there i couldn't give 2 shits about the lyrical content,
mind you u cant beat classic lines likes these

Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal that's all that's real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound
Thunder and metal are shaking the ground
Drink to your brothers who are never to fall
We're all brothers of metal here in the hall

Our hearts are filled with metal and masters we have none
And we will die for metal, metal heals, my son

oh and;

''I would like it even better if the band weren't dressed like that on the cover.''

WTF is that all about? u sound like my girlfriend bitching about some boy band.

turning out to be a good post this mind u haha
ITT: There are a lot of misconceptions about Black Metal.

And this is one of the most common:

i get the impression with so much black metal that they really mean it.

Even in the early days of the 2nd wave of Black Metal when Norway catapulted itself into the world wide media with arsons, murders etc., there was always more illusion than reality.

Those were just rebellious kids, whose actions went more and more out of hand to outdo each other. There was passion, but not so much substance.

The late 70s/early 80s had the punk movement, the early nineties had Black Metal. When you can't even scare grandma any more more with your mohawk and you're too pissed off to be a part of Generantion-X, you gotta one up your rebellious ways.

That being said, I won't categorically exclude persons/institutions who "really mean it", but you got to dig deeper than the run-of-the-mill MTV-BM. And those are not the ones who film themselves running around in the woods, rather the ones who are really, really low-key in appearance... if the appear publicly at all.

Judging Black Metal at bands like Immortal, Dimmu, COF etc. is like judging Death Metal at Slipknot (who I like, don't get me wrong with this).

But that way you're not even scratching the surface of what manifests image and content of today's Black Metal cosmos. It's so much more heterogeneous than most people would ever think.

But to be fair, many people involved wouldn't want it any other way.

Black Metal, for me, is a giant entertainment gimmick on one hand: I can rock out to Marduk as I can to Manowar or Kiss.

On the other hand, it's a loose context that allows for some of the most unique, challenging and actually substantial music I've ever come across.

Dig deeper and eventually you'll be rewarded:

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A typical Black Metal band to me would be a bunch of dyslexic shitforbrains idiots playing to trempicked/blast beated verses over and over with a singer that sounds like he has fucking throat cancer.
ITT: There are a lot of misconceptions about Black Metal.

And this is one of the most common:

Even in the early days of the 2nd wave of Black Metal when Norway catapulted itself into the world wide media with arsons, murders etc., there was always more illusion than reality.

Those were just rebellious kids, whose actions went more and more out of hand to outdo each other. There was passion, but not so much substance.

The late 70s/early 80s had the punk movement, the early nineties had Black Metal. When you can't even scare grandma any more more with your mohawk and you're too pissed off to be a part of Generantion-X, you gotta one up your rebellious ways.

That being said, I won't categorically exclude persons/institutions who "really mean it", but you got to dig deeper than the run-of-the-mill MTV-BM. And those are not the ones who film themselves running around in the woods, rather the ones who are really, really low-key in appearance... if the appear publicly at all.

Judging Black Metal at bands like Immortal, Dimmu, COF etc. is like judging Death Metal at Slipknot (who I like, don't get me wrong with this).

But that way you're not even scratching the surface of what manifests image and content of today's Black Metal cosmos. It's so much more heterogeneous than most people would ever think.

But to be fair, many people involved wouldn't want it any other way.

Black Metal, for me, is a giant entertainment gimmick on one hand: I can rock out to Marduk as I can to Manowar or Kiss.

On the other hand, it's a loose context that allows for some of the most unique, challenging and actually substantial music I've ever come across.

Dig deeper and eventually you'll be rewarded:

This is so true! Bands like Dimmu, Cradle and even Mayhem to an extent get laughed at by most BM bands. There are some real innovators pushing the envelope both musically and aesthetically. Check out some bands like Deathspell Omega, Enslaved, Ulver, Arcturus, Watain, Shining...... the musicianship is incredible
what slashvanyoung +1, well bar including Immortal in the Dimmu/Cof list lol
Abbath is too cool to be included with the likes of Dani filth and Shagrath.

I got the new Borknagar album ''Universal'' in the post this morning

defo worth picking up!

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This topic reminds me how much I love Throes of Dawn. The new stuff it´s not really black metal. But anyway they are fucking great. Have to take a look at Borknagar new album also, the track Genuine Pulse must be one of the best BM songs ever.
like all genre's black metal has its pure crap! but with out blackmetal i dont think we would have progressive bands like opeth or akercocke, something about the ambience in blackmetal just gets me.
Why are so many people concerned about the image of Blackmetal?
Just enjoy the music! like I said can you take any metal band seriously?
does the lyrical content mean anything to you? half the metal bands out there i couldn't give 2 shits about the lyrical content,

thats the thing, even if you dont pay attention to the lyrical content or the image, there's still just a gut feeling you get from the music, and black metal just feels weird
but im sure theres gotta be some cool black metal out there somewhere, im convinced there's gotta be a few good bands in every genre, i think with BM im just gonna have to search a little harder
thats how blackmetal should sound, rock n roll with maybe a tad of punk at times, cof, dimmu, old mans child.... and the rest arent blackmetal atall,
a subgenre of some sort but not blackmetal.

It will be a while until anyone hear from Satyricon they r taking a lengthy break and won't be doing shit for a long time.