Does this band really have serious fans?

I suggest everyone man the fuck up, dry their eyes and quit worrying about what music other people like.


and Borknagar... FUCKING YES!!!

I like alot of the symphonic stuff for how its been put together, i don't listen to any of it for the "message"

Its funny seeing the two sides of this argument

"This band sucks, black metal sucks"


"True black metal is the best, none of this watered down shit"

Does anyone here not just listen to it all for the sound and the music?? not the image or the message??

I mainly listen to Lamb of God, At the Gates, Dethklok, Parkway Drive, Behemoth, Turisas, The Absence, Pantera, The Haunted...

If i took any of those bands seriously enough through the message or their image... I wouldnt be listening them or half the other bands i listen to

why not just appreciate that they play music and they have worked enough to get at least a few people to their shows or to buy their CDs??

I know i hate Attack!Attack! and other bands similar, but i don't bitch about it, they're in a better position than me right now...
This is so true! Bands like Dimmu, Cradle and even Mayhem to an extent get laughed at by most BM bands. There are some real innovators pushing the envelope both musically and aesthetically. Check out some bands like Deathspell Omega, Enslaved, Ulver, Arcturus, Watain, Shining...... the musicianship is incredible

As is the composition and atmosphere!
to answer reneisgod's question about what i listened to in the ninety? Coal Chamber? NO. Melodic death metal like Children of Bodom (Something Wild), Norther, and In Flames (Lunar Strain, colony) etc was about all i listen to. I understand what you are saying about BM sounding better than it looks. I heard a few of Satyricon's songs online but never really go into them. I saw them live last year with Cradle of filth and they put on a hell of show (for being an opening band).
lolling at a lot of the misconceptions in this thread.

I'd like to see someone say that black metal sucks, after they listen to "Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum" (Deathspell Omega), "Om" (Negura Bunget), "Nouveau Gloaming" (Code), and "Massive Conspiracy Against All Life" (Leviathan.) Fas is one of the most technical albums I've ever heard in metal, with very well-written lyrics and a general atmosphere of controlled chaos. "Memoria Vetusta II: A Dialogue with the Stars" (Blut Alus Nord) is also an amazing album from the current-day black metal scene.

Someone said that even Mayhem are a "laughing stock" of bm or some other nonsense. I'd have to disagree here, once you get past the shit that plagued the band in its early days. Some don't like the Blasphemer era of the band, but the man wrote their best material imo. "Wolf's Lair Abyss" is an amazing EP and a gigantic "fuck you" to everyone who said the band was over when Aarseth was murdered, and "Chimera" was their pinnacle with Maniac. "Ordo Ad Chao" borrows a lot of influence from Deathspell Omega in the atmosphere and playing - even "Grand Declaration of War" is a great album (if you get past the shitty electronic song that's plopped in the middle.)

Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, and newer Satyricon are not fair representation to the genre - none of them contain a black metal sound at all anymore. Even current-day Enslaved don't really have much to do with black metal anymore.

Of course, you also have bands like Watain (who some will label a Dissection clone due to the very similar sounds), Funeral Mist, Ofermod, Ondskapt, and Malign spearheading the "orthodox black metal" movement (along with DsO). Generally these bands write more technical music, with lyrics about Satanism in a literal sense (as opposed to the LaVeyan sense, or just saying JESUS SUCKS etc.) Funeral Mist in particular have a very poignant lyrical style - Arioch also writes lyrics and does vocals for Marduk now.

I recently discovered a band called Klabautamann who play a very progressive style of BM, almost similar to Negura Bunget's last few albums. Check out "Merkur."

There are also bands like Katharsis and Kathaaria who have a similar sound to the orthodox bm movement, but are a bit more raw. They also don't feature "orthodox" lyrics like the other bands do.

If you can find no redeeming characteristics in any of the bands I named, then you'll probably never "get" black metal. There's more to the genre, especially nowadays, than the corpse paint and silly budget videos.
Putting the whole "Cradle of Filth isn't black metal" bashing aside for a moment, what did everyone think of their newest album (Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder)?
I don't know that album, but for me COF were like the cheesiest metal band of all time and I
really hate Dannis vocals, I respect them and know that they are at least good musicians
but I can't stand his vocals at all.

Every song I heard from them was actually ok (but nothing I would call Black Metal) but as soon as I heard Danni's singing
it was all over-he reminds me of a drunken 5 year old buy crying for his mother-sorry...

About the actual thread topic-I like Immortal, but I think the newer stuff is way better
I am not that much into Black Metal, but Marduk and Immortal are not bad and I give them a listen once in a while.
lolling at a lot of the misconceptions in this thread.

I'd like to see someone say that black metal sucks, after they listen to "Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum" (Deathspell Omega), "Om" (Negura Bunget), "Nouveau Gloaming" (Code), and "Massive Conspiracy Against All Life" (Leviathan.) Fas is one of the most technical albums I've ever heard in metal, with very well-written lyrics and a general atmosphere of controlled chaos. "Memoria Vetusta II: A Dialogue with the Stars" (Blut Alus Nord) is also an amazing album from the current-day black metal scene.

Someone said that even Mayhem are a "laughing stock" of bm or some other nonsense. I'd have to disagree here, once you get past the shit that plagued the band in its early days. Some don't like the Blasphemer era of the band, but the man wrote their best material imo. "Wolf's Lair Abyss" is an amazing EP and a gigantic "fuck you" to everyone who said the band was over when Aarseth was murdered, and "Chimera" was their pinnacle with Maniac. "Ordo Ad Chao" borrows a lot of influence from Deathspell Omega in the atmosphere and playing - even "Grand Declaration of War" is a great album (if you get past the shitty electronic song that's plopped in the middle.)

Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, and newer Satyricon are not fair representation to the genre - none of them contain a black metal sound at all anymore. Even current-day Enslaved don't really have much to do with black metal anymore.

Of course, you also have bands like Watain (who some will label a Dissection clone due to the very similar sounds), Funeral Mist, Ofermod, Ondskapt, and Malign spearheading the "orthodox black metal" movement (along with DsO). Generally these bands write more technical music, with lyrics about Satanism in a literal sense (as opposed to the LaVeyan sense, or just saying JESUS SUCKS etc.) Funeral Mist in particular have a very poignant lyrical style - Arioch also writes lyrics and does vocals for Marduk now.

I recently discovered a band called Klabautamann who play a very progressive style of BM, almost similar to Negura Bunget's last few albums. Check out "Merkur."

There are also bands like Katharsis and Kathaaria who have a similar sound to the orthodox bm movement, but are a bit more raw. They also don't feature "orthodox" lyrics like the other bands do.

If you can find no redeeming characteristics in any of the bands I named, then you'll probably never "get" black metal. There's more to the genre, especially nowadays, than the corpse paint and silly budget videos.

I must say, to add to Nicholas' endless ranting about really good modern black metal bands, I must admit something I don't understand why I'm the only one who thinks this

Grand Declaration of War is the best black metal album I have ever heard and one of my favorite albums EVER. period. The rawness of the guitar tone, shrieking vocals and blasting of traditional bm, the super inspiring spoken word parts, the weird structure of songs and the positioning of these in the album. Blasphemer's incredible songwiritng skills (I can't imagine what will come of mayhem without him), maniac's awesome vocals, necrobutcher being in the mix (lol), hellhammer being the god he is...

and that techno song, damn I love that song! seriously, I love it. I find it the most original and unexpected they could've done in an already original and unexpected album, and most likely knowing they would be hated for it.

There's my two cents, I'm off to some droneing
I love the fact that Mayhem keep reinventing themselves and by that periodically pissing off the small-minded faction of their fanbase.

GDOW got ripped to pieces when it came out, now it's considered to be somewhat of a modern classic. And who would have expected such a low-fi and grotesque record like "Ordo Ad Chao" after the clinical "Chimaira"?

And now, after Blasphemer's exit, who knows what's next? Which innovators of the 2nd wave remained to be that unpredictable on such a level?
Honestly, I don't think Morfeus will be able to match what Blasphemer did in terms of songwriting. Limbonic Art is great, sure, but it's also a totally different beast from what Blasphemer (and even Euronymous and Blackthorn) were writing. Besides that, I've seen videos from the tour they did with Morfeus and the other guitar player and they butchered a lot of solos/leads from the other two eras.

Personally I love GDoW (except for the electronic/techno song, that was a big mistake imo) but I can see why others wouldn't. At the time, people weren't expecting Mayhem to come out with such an utterly technical but brutal album. I also love Ordo Ad Chao, but again it's been bashed on time and time again for whatever reasons. Whether people can't get over the production (which was intentionally shitty) or they feel that Mayhem are hopping on the coattails of DsO/BAN/other contemporaries.
I fear for Mayhem, I love that band, but Blasphemer was too much for them, his songwriting and guitar playing is monstrous and fit mayhem like a glove. But I love Atilla so hopefully he will keep a next album from being bad



If this isn´t badass I don´t know what is
atilla's better when he's dressing up as a sack of potatoes or a tree instead of being a dick like in the two pictures above


