Does this bother anyone else?

I used to post on GMD a lot, during the glory point of the Metal Inquisition, when it was basically me, Mike, Erik, Jean-Pierre, Dodens Grav, and Christie_Fell laying waste to every opinion in sight and posting pictures of Bobby Blitz and Paul Baloff. Those were good times. All these people had signatures about how much I sucked.

Then we kinda got bored and the faghats took over again. But man, that Pantera thread was awesome.

Anyway, yeah, GMD's pretty lame.
The assertion that grindcore isn't metal seems slightly silly to me. Hell, even modern hardcore is pretty much just metal under a different name. I mean, play Converge, for example, to someone who doesn't listen to metal, and they sure as hell won't call it hardcore ;)
Truth. Lots of stuff that people say isn't metal I say without question is. Bad metal is still metal too.

Note: Haven't heard Converge, been told to check them out though. Someday, perhaps today, or some time in 2017, I shall.
I never turn down a band without hearing them. :D

Are they like Mistress? I wasn't into them.
Converge and Mistress, not a thing alike. Mistress is sludge. Converge fits in with Dillinger Escape Plan and Botch, though it can be argued they are more "metal" than both of those.

For the record, I didn't like Converge or DEP. Botch owns both of them.
Hmm, I've been digging DEP a lot lately, maybe I should check out Converge. Botch I don't think I've heard of, maybe them as well.

I think I equate Converge with Mistress because Nate used to fellate both those bands. At the same time even. Like a circus seal.
Pyrus: it's a shame the Metal Inquisition is one of the lamest things ever ;p

Nad: Check out Jane Doe - it's great.

I would use the quote feature but it doesn't let me type anything in the screen it takes me to when I try and quote, go advanced or edit my own posts. Better not make any mistakes eh...:x
Its sad that some loser has to use moderaring a metal board to build his own delusional self confidence into thinking his moniker is somehow correct. I can only imagine his fat ass in the real world; powerless, socially inept, pathetic.

Im surprised no one likes Coverge-- not even Jane Doe? Its wonderfully chaotic, angry, emotional.
Int said:
Pyrus: it's a shame the Metal Inquisition is one of the lamest things ever ;p

GoD really isn't that bad. Apart from the grindcore thing, he actually did a pretty good job locking shit threads, and he's at least funny (see sig.) He used to be WAY more annoying on the M-A board, where he threw a colossal shitfit about how the Metal Inquistion chapter there were all fags and wouldn't shut up about it. But I think he's over that sorta thing.
I love Converge like Bush loves convincing fundamental christian hicks with no money to vote for him. Anyone who disagrees that Converge are an amazing band has blatantly been intoxicated by the sheer amounts of man-fat sliding around their bloodstream from a marathon cock-sucking session. :)