Doing some Cd shopping NOW


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
I am at the moment doing some cd shopping at The End records. Any suggestions for some excellent doom albums would be greatly appreciated. As it is I have to much power metal in my collection right now so I figured it's time for some good melodic shit. Currently in the basket: New November's Doom, Maudlin (that's right, I don't own any yet), Rain Fell Within.
3rd & the Mortal: good stuff. Started out with Kari Ruselattan (sp?) on vocals, with very nice tasteful operatic stuff and doomy Marshall-y guitar toned stuff. I was always impressed by their drummer too- very inventive stuff. I liked the first EP Sorrow the best followed by Tears Laid in Earth- haven't got anything after that yet, but Kari left after those two to do her Sony Norwegian release stuff. They got more electronic and trip-hop oriented as they went along.

Saturnus is very good doom/death with great guitar tones & keys. Paradise Belongs to You and Martyre are great.