Donald Trump.

No you're not alone thinking that isn't fair, but it's a rather narcissistic point of view. If we went popular vote over electoral college we become rule of mob instead of rule of United States. In other words, what presidential candidate would ever give a fuck about Alaska or Iowa if we went popular vote? Every state should have a say on who becomes president. Why the fuck would anyone think it's a good idea to have small homogenous areas dictating what rural areas like the state of Alaska should do?

And you can go ahead and blame poor white, that's fine. The truth though is the DNC ran a dumpster fire based on the merit of her sex mostly, colluded against Sanders in the primary, then gave said person (DWS) a fucking promotion. The truth is Donald didn't gain new voters, the truth is Democrats stayed home because they didn't feel inspired to vote for such a fake fucking politician.

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No you're not alone thinking that isn't fair, but it's a rather narcissistic point of view. If we went popular vote over electoral college we become rule of mob instead of rule of United States. In other words, what presidential candidate would ever give a fuck about Alaska or Iowa if we went popular vote? Every state should have a say on who becomes president. Why the fuck would anyone think it's a good idea to have small homogenous areas dictating what rural areas like the state of Alaska should do?

And you can go ahead and blame poor white, that's fine. The truth though is the DNC ran a dumpster fire based on the merit of her sex mostly, colluded against Sanders in the primary, then gave said person (DWS) a fucking promotion. The truth is Donald didn't gain new voters, the truth is Democrats stayed home because they didn't feel inspired to vote for such a fake fucking politician.

I COMPLETELY disagree with the electoral college point of view. That can and should be changed. This country is a lot bigger and the states have a much larger population disparity than they did when the rules were written. Hillary won California by a whopping 2.5 million votes. If just a few hundred thousand of those people happened to live in Wisconsin, Michigan, florida and Arizona, she would have annihilated Trump. Two completely different results, completely different paths for this country, not related AT ALL to the majority of the voters will - with everyone voting exactly the same as they did. Anyone who runs for President should absolutely be concerned about EVERY state. That's a flawed argument at it's base, as the electoral college guarantees that every candidate will spend the majority of their time crafting promises and campaigning for Ohio, Florida and other swing states, instead of focusing their message on the United States as a whole.

Your second point I hadn't touched on and is quite valid; I, and many other people in America, are EXTREMELY disappointed in the democratic party. I wasn't all sunshine and smiles for Clinton. I quite dislike her presence and am livid about the DNC's handling of basically everything.

They definitely shot themselves in the foot during a completely winnable campaign. If they had an even slightly likable candidate they could have prevailed.

However that doesn't change my opinion that working class whites shifted this election to Trump, or that I disagree with them the important issues here.

Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group. In 2012 and 2008, non-college whites also preferred the Republican over the Democratic candidate but by less one-sided margins (61%-36% and 58%-40%, respectively).

Due largely to the dramatic movement among whites with no college degree, the gap between college and non-college whites is wider in 2016 than in any past election dating to 1980.

He DOUBLED the margin of victory among that demographic from the previous republican candidates, which held it pretty convincingly. Such a drastic change in a large voting block shows to me that he was one-sided in his appeal. So you tell me, why such a change in this demographic? What I've seen in the numbers is the most urgent issues for trump voters were immigration, terrorism, the economy and jobs. I think they've been fed a load of garbage from the trump campaign, and weren't keeping their eye on other things that really matter. I think a short sighted grab for change, this time being trump because he's an 'outsider' will come to have some pretty rough consequences.
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I have zero idea why broke white people voted for Trump. My guess is they were thrilled with Clinton's promise of Obama part 2 and since they were poor, finding out that affordable care act plans are expected to go up a lot next year.

As someone in squarely in the middle class (median income for this area) and doing fine (pay cash for cars, own house, no debt outside mortgage) I have had nothing but increased premiums since the affordable care act was passed.

Maybe the promise of a job sounds better than the promise of more free shit.

But really who knows.
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Also living in a state where a small geographical area that is unlike the majority of the rest of said state in infrastructure, I can tell you from experience. Politicians don't give a single solitary fuck about those who can't get them elected. I'm sure Illinoise could chime in as well. The city makes the rules for the rest of the state, and those in rural areas get fucked. The economy and infrastructure in upstate NY is an absolute shit show and it's because what works in NYC get applied to the rest of the state.

I have no idea how it is in CA but I'm sure it's similar.
I have zero idea why broke white people voted for Trump. My guess is they were thrilled with Clinton's promise of Obama part 2 and since they were poor, finding out that affordable care act plans are expected to go up a lot next year.

But really who knows.

Well just wait until they repeal the ACA, 20 million people lose their insurance, insurance companies stop awarding insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, they lose the ability to have their children on their insurance until the age of 26, and ZERO is done about the insanely ballooning costs of prescription drugs, medical equipment and medical schooling.

But trump is gonna give them a tax-free medical savings account! That's his fucking plan. Glad for that. That way when you get sick with cancer, can't get insurance because the ACA is gone, and can't afford your Chemo drugs (which are INSANELY expensive) you'll have that couple hundred a month from the ol medical savings account to maybe pay for one fucking mri before you and your entire family are run through the system and stripped dry of everything you hold dear. (the "you" in this situation could be anyone in particular who might lose insurance for any reason (job change?) and then get screwed over by the system we had before, and is meant to underscore my support for either a single-payer system or a public option that is both affordable and would cover exorbitant costs for dire illnesses, while also attempting to control the skyrocketing costs of medical care)

I've seen that happen to a friend who is now deceased from complications of Lupus. The ACA is NOT ideal and I believe needs some changes, but not in the direction Trump sees fit. Voters grabbing blindly at "change" or an "outsider candidate" have just done a lot to hurt their own demographic imo. all because so many of them are worried about terrorism and Mexicans, while ignoring the fact that they're being raped by the American capitalist healthcare and college system, and just elected a guy who wants to let it run wild.

But that's just my opinion. I guess we'll see! Not much to be done about it now. Here's hoping Trump just doesn't turn out to be as terrible as I think he might.

But you bet your ass I'm writing a letter to both my senator and congressman expressing my desire for the removal of the electoral college system.
Of course you speak in generalities toward what you perceive to be my exact demographic. Sure I'll go ahead and not take that personally. It is a fact that white people with less education and less income turned out in droves to lift Trump here. That is not a bigoted 'opinion'. I personally consider them foolish for doing so, knowing what he plans to do once in office. The fact that so many white WOMEN voted overwhelmingly for Trump honestly boggles my fucking mind. I have no problem with Republicans. I DO have a problem with Trump and his brand of politics. I think he'll be bad for America, I think he'll be bad for the environment, I think he'll be bad for civil rights (especially for women, LGBT people, people of color and religious minorities). One of the only things I agree with him on is congressional term limits, which this senate will NEVER approve. He may have a hard time getting a lot of his crazy planned legislation through, but he's immediately going to reverse much of what Obama did that I support. Pulling out of the Paris climate accord is imo a very big mistake.

I have no love for Hillary. She was the only conscionable vote I could make. I don't hate white people, jesus christ. I DO resent what seems like an extreme lack of understanding of the core issues and the affect they'll have on us moving toward a more free society. He's dangerous, and imo just did a really good job of making just enough people really scared about false fears that they propelled him into office. He'll tilt the supreme court in a direction I'm not comfortable with. He's displayed an extreme lack of clarity in his trade deal promises. He's not just going to be able to walk in to China and put his fist down and bring back jobs that have been lost locally to automation and corporate outsourcing. It's infinitely more complicated than that. No one is going to vote in congress to pay for his stupid wall, least of all Mexico.

In short, he's just as full of shit as most politicians, only he's outright promising to erode civil rights that we've had to fight hard to win. I think his ideas are shit and his attitude worse.

He also LOST the popular vote. In the last 24 years, we've had 7 presidential elections. A republican has won the popular vote ONE FUCKING TIME, yet we've had three republican administrations. I can't be alone in thinking that this isn't fair in the least bit.
not a Trump fan, but why would Trump be bad for LGBT, women people of color or religious minorities?

apparently CNN is projecting Trump wins the popular vote also
Also living in a state where a small geographical area that is unlike the majority of the rest of said state in infrastructure, I can tell you from experience. Politicians don't give a single solitary fuck about those who can't get them elected. I'm sure Illinoise could chime in as well. The city makes the rules for the rest of the state, and those in rural areas get fucked. The economy and infrastructure in upstate NY is an absolute shit show and it's because what works in NYC get applied to the rest of the state.

I have no idea how it is in CA but I'm sure it's similar.

So much infrastructure is dealt with on a local level. I live in San Diego, and honestly I think the infrastructure is a little better in the more rural areas. The streets in the more metropolitan areas of SD are shit!
also everywhere I can find says that trump voters earn more than hillary voters, but i'd like a source if you have it
I'm wondering why white people, in my experience and everywhere online that I frequent, are saying things like "Im scared for minorities and lgbtq+ people"? I say this because as someone who knows a shit load of illegal/legal minorities I can confidently say the majority of the illegal ones have already been scared of deportation under Obama and they see no difference between one person sending them home or another. Many of my family friends (from all over the South and Central America) actually wanted Trump and or just not Hillary because they see her as corrupt and where they come from that's the biggest issue in their countries. Corrupt Government. As for queer (ect) people what's the deal? I haven't heard Trump say much about them and he doesn't seem to care one way or other. Am I missing something? Gay marriage maybe? Because the reaction from white straight people is as if all minorities and gay people are going to be gassed or something. My Trans/black neighbor of 12 years doesn't care one way or the other. Then again, she often calls gay people faggot when she thinks they're acting like one I suppose. I don't really know that many lgbtq+ people very well besides her. She's great.

I've asked this before of numerous people elsewhere but can someone here quote Trump saying something directly racist? It doesn't seem anyone can. Not claiming it means he isn't a racist, he may be, but I'd like to see someone quote him on that. So far I seen worst from Hillary towards black people.

Woman. Well, the women I know are a mixed bunch. Some can't stand Trump. Some think he's great. Others just don't care. Personally I don't find his comment about grabbing pussy as evidence that he's guilty of anything other than talking shit as I've seen countless men do in my 41 years. I know of 2 guys in my entire life that haven't spoke about women in a similar or worst way, but that's all it's ever been as far as I know, talk.

Meh, I have my reasons for not liking the guy but it's not anything to do with racism, sexism, ect. I think he's an idiot. That's my issue with him in a nutshell.
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I'm wondering why white people, in my experience and everywhere online that I frequent, are saying things like "Im scared for minorities and lgbtq+ people"? I say this because as someone who knows a shit load of illegal/legal minorities I can confidently say the majority of the illegal ones have already been scared of deportation under Obama and they see no difference between one person sending them home or another. Many of my family friends (from all over the South and Central America) actually wanted Trump and or just not Hillary because they see her as corrupt and where they come from that's the biggest issue in their countries. Corrupt Government. As for queer (ect) people what's the deal? I haven't heard Trump say much about them and he doesn't seem to care one way or other. Am I missing something? Gay marriage maybe? Because the reaction from white straight people is as if all minorities and gay people are going to be gassed or something. My Trans/black neighbor of 12 years doesn't care one way or the other. Then again, she often calls gay people faggot when she thinks they're acting like one I suppose. I don't really know that many lgbtq+ people very well besides her. She's great.

I think most of the worry about LGBTQ comes from Pence's influence and the fact that the Republicans pretty much swept everything. Pence is well known for his opposition to that community and the Republicans are STILL up in arms about the supreme court ruling last year. I'm not sure how much Pence be able TO influence, but it's definitely a cause for worry for those people. I don't think Trump and Pence will necessarily target minorities. I think we just saw too much of it in the ramp up to the elections of people pissed and using them as a scapegoat because of comments the guy has said. Hell, a kid I went to school with had someone throw a bottle at him and told to take his beaner ass back to Mexico...the guy's been in fucking America his whole life.

I wasn't at all enthiused by having Clinton to vote for, but the thought of putting anyone in office other than Trump was enough for me. mva mentioned the ACA and the things that will likely get thrown out once the Republicans get their hands on it: both myself and my wife have major pre-existing conditions and I've had a bitch of a time dealing with insurance in the past. It's too early to tell how that will play out, but I'm definitely not fucking happy about it.

At the very least, all of this shit exposed the DNC for the corrupt assholes they are and it still cracks me up a bit.
As for queer (ect) people what's the deal?
Because the National Organization of Marriage already has a plan.

It's no secret that Pence is anti-gay. What will Trump do? I know he said shit like "I'm a friend to the gays." But, I have a feeling that that was a lie. We'll see.

Oh, and Trump got 81% of the Evangelical votes. Which also makes up 27% of his overall votes. Born-again Christians are wild for Trump. Go figure.
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With a Republican house and senate, Donald Trump is poised to become the greatest American president in history, and the United States may see a flourishing like never before, at least not since the Industrial Revolution.

Congratulations to all the Americans in here.
With a Republican house and senate, Donald Trump is poised to become the greatest American president in history, and the United States may see a flourishing like never before, at least not since the Industrial Revolution.

Congratulations to all the Americans in here.